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Here's another one I found. Dragon Bloodline
Have you seen the saiyan bloodline, they are saipan fowl. They can sometimes have very scaley legs.
do it king i like the idea im going to try to do the same thing what hen would you use in the first breeding...
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What breed of gamefowl do these chicks look to be? These are pics sent to me from a seller on ebay that sent me 20 grey eggs i won on her auction. Prior to auction i asked the seller ihow many hens she had because her ad said the birds you see are the birds you will be getting eggs from. The pic showed two hens and a rooster. Basicly a trio they had bought at a show and they had no idea what breed they were. I like the coloring on the cock. Im just wondering if anyone can tell whzt they most likely are by looking at them.

Here is a pic of the rooster

Ill try to find my other pic of the hens so you all can see what they look like to give you an idea of what they are.
I think by looking at the chicks that they look like a cross breed of gamefowl. Looks like a few different breeds or strains all together. By looking at the chicks tney look pretty uniform however the one chick looks to have abnormally huge feet. Maybe deformity from inbreeding? They both look to be yellow legged. I dont know a whole lot about gamefowl at this point but are they pullets or cockerels?
Looks like they have some brown red in them from the darker coloring on the one chick. ive searched online for chicks that look similar and im not able to find anything that looks like these do.

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