Show Off Your Horses!

This isn't my horse, but I was helping a friend at Equine Affaire today, and took these pics of his
American Shetland Pony, Michigan's Majestic NF. (
He is a seven year old breeding stallion and is just the sweetest horse around. Seriously gentle and calm, and
did I mention GORGEOUS????



We were right across from the Irish Draught booth! There was a BIG grey stallion earlier today, and a bay horse later on. Didn't catch their names, but that grey was FINE!!! Those Irish Draught horses are deceiving looking. They look just "regular big" but the closer you get to them, the bigger they get, like some weird third dimension thingy is going on or something. Like from the Twilight Zone, LOL
they are the SANEST event horses, from what Ive seen, this one is a red chestnut with a lot of chrome...his owner is Connie Arthur, tell her Margarete and Sean said hi.
Kelsey: this info is at the very top of the page under Forum FAQs...check that out if this doesnt work.

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Go On Zen and her 2010 filly Zen's Final Voyage



MMSBUFFANDSTUFF and her 2010 filly Songs And Suds


I don't have current pics of the babies cause they look like wooly mammoths....and dirty ones at that!

My Pumpkin Roll....due to foal end of the month!
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