Show off your house ducks!

Yay, awesome news. Small world.

I know, right? <3 Besides, if there's one person who's an awesome call duck mommy it's Alicia. Now we both have lil' ducky sibs! Who knows, maybe some day a family reunion will be in order :p

Also, don't get mad, but we're thinking about changing Bean's name. For a while now we've been calling her Peppercorn or just lil' Pep, and we kinda want to relegate Bean as a middle name. She just looks and acts like a Peppercorn to us! What do you guys think?
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can you please pm me a tutorial on how to make a diaper for my ducks there two month's old and I am desperate ..At your mercy. Thank you

To be honest, I just buy mine from Kukupecpec. She only charges about $20 a diaper, which is very reasonable, and hers are the best-quality, way better than any I hand-made myself. I mean, I can try to take a photo of my old pattern if you want to, but I guarantee it won't be as good or last as long. :/
I know, right? <3 Besides, if there's one person who's an awesome call duck mommy it's Alicia. Now we both have lil' ducky sibs! Who knows, maybe some day a family reunion will be in order :p

Also, don't get mad, but we're thinking about changing Bean's name. For a while now we've been calling her Peppercorn or just lil' Pep, and we kinda want to relegate Bean as a middle name. She just looks and acts like a Peppercorn to us! What do you guys think?
It makes me happy to hear about another great call duck momma. Those lil' sweeties deserve the best homes in the world.

I love that name. I really do. You have to go with the name that grabs you all the most. She just a little Peppercorn Bean with blueberry feets.
[email protected]

Thanks. We have a old pond they don't use also. It's in a section of yard they don't go in for some reason.

Problem about the in ground pool- the big Pekings take it over and evil lamont doesn't get a chance. I think he's Maybe water shy or something. I haven't seen him in but once.

ple[/quote. I am sorry but trying to sew and look at the e mail some how it got deleted omg errrrr PLEASE RESEND ASAD I AM ALMOST DONE THANK YOU. [email protected]
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Happy Monday everyone! Hope y'all had a good weekend and Mother's day! I've been busy tending to my flock.
I decided it was terrible that lil evil Lamont can't get into the pool with his friends. He tries to jump in but can't make it over the side. He sadly runs around the pool dipping his head in the water looking quite pathetic. There are ramps an rocks to aid them all, but poor evil Lamont can't figure it out. We had a small litter box outside for them when they were wittle but it's not deep enough to do alot of diving and splashing. The only other thing I has around was a tub for under the bed. Wouldn't ya know.. it's as tall as the pool. Pooo! I get the brilliant idea make an "inground" pool, with the smaller tub. -many many flaws- the worst... totally not big enough to fit 8 ducks. In my simple quick fix thinking... I intended the inground to be for the babies, and the big one to be for Frank and bean... ducks however did not get the memmo....I'll have yo show you the outcome.







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