Show off your house ducks!

Oh, he LOVES car rides! I put his carrier on the passenger seat and he'll stand up as tall as he can in order to peek out the window. And yes, Pep is happiest in the water! She not only zooms, but she gets so wrapped up in splashing around that she accidentally does backwards somersaults. One of these days I hope to catch it on camera, it's glorious. :p Still unsure of her name though. We love Bean, but we also love Peppercorn...and Jellybean...and Oreo...and gah, I wish we could just stick with one!

Yep, sounds eerily familiar! 'Cept Wobs isn't wild about the blowdryer, either. Yeah, he kind of is a wet blanket about lots of stuff, now that I think about it! BUT, he's gotta get a daily bath for his feet and feathers to stay healthy, so in he goes and he'll just dangle his webs and stare at me until he finally caves in and starts bathing...which can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. Bleh.

Hey, also I've been meaning to ask, how'd you get that awesome backpack setup? Wobs is a bit small for a standard-sized backpack, but I'd love to get him something that can be strapped in but still allows him to poke his head out.

And yes, the looks from passers-by when they see a duck in the car just can't be beat. <3
Weeeeeee, you said the WORD. WEBS. He dangles his WEBS. Wobbles is a quirky little call duck. I love him. A 30 minute bath!! Silly. I had no idea that ducks had to be subjected to water for their health. Very interesting. And car rides are a way for him to see the world from a safe place.

I know what you mean about the naming thing regarding the little Bean Peppercorn Oreo zoomie flippy stable girl of the blueberry feets. Even though both mine have their primary names, I am always calling them other names like Jibby, my boy, I'll call him Pussywillow, Puhuss, Tootsie Roll, Guy, Fat Little Man. And to my girl Little Bit, I'll call her Bit Bit, Pancake-itoons (because when she sits on top of the cage she flattens and widens out sooo much), Dinosaur Girl. It is odd. Good thing I live alone…..
So, my old grey male is being pretty beat up by the young and new male and I moved him inside into a brooder but he gets lonely. So soon I may have a house duck! But not exactly like yours as in my will only be with me when I am home and he can just be like a daycare/grandpa to all new babies when I am not home. Like he will live with the babies. I don't know what I am going to do when I don't have any babies..... I just don't know what to do with him. He is calm and nice, also blind in one eye as well. He has a hole in his beak from where a predator bit his face and took out his eye. There is just a small hole from a tooth in the top of his bill. When the poor guy tries to drink water squirt out of the hole. Any suggestions?
Weeeeeee, you said the WORD. WEBS. He dangles his WEBS. Wobbles is a quirky little call duck. I love him. A 30 minute bath!! Silly. I had no idea that ducks had to be subjected to water for their health. Very interesting. And car rides are a way for him to see the world from a safe place.

I know what you mean about the naming thing regarding the little Bean Peppercorn Oreo zoomie flippy stable girl of the blueberry feets. Even though both mine have their primary names, I am always calling them other names like Jibby, my boy, I'll call him Pussywillow, Puhuss, Tootsie Roll, Guy, Fat Little Man. And to my girl Little Bit, I'll call her Bit Bit, Pancake-itoons (because when she sits on top of the cage she flattens and widens out sooo much), Dinosaur Girl. It is odd. Good thing I live alone…..

PANCAKE-ITOONS! Haaaaa! I want to hug you right now. :p And yeah, we've quickly learned that NOT getting wet can actually be a cause of wet feather, ironically. I guess if they don't take constant dips their oil gland just goes on vacation! His bill's stopped cracking and peeling since we upped his bathtimes, too.

I totally talk to the ducks like they're people. Sometimes I catch myself and feel like a goober, but for the most part I just keep it up like a complete loon. Luckily, my husband is very understanding, and I've caught him doing it too, ha!
I thought I was the only one with a weird anti-water duck! Misty sits in the tub and QUACKS loud, after a few minutes she'll just jump out and then go straight for the dogs water dish and bathe in that.
she's such a weirdo. But she loves the lake and river as long as we're swimming with her. That's the solution, we have to get in the tub with them! Haha!
So, my old grey male is being pretty beat up by the young and new male and I moved him inside into a brooder but he gets lonely. So soon I may have a house duck! But not exactly like yours as in my will only be with me when I am home and he can just be like a daycare/grandpa to all new babies when I am not home. Like he will live with the babies. I don't know what I am going to do when I don't have any babies..... I just don't know what to do with him. He is calm and nice, also blind in one eye as well. He has a hole in his beak from where a predator bit his face and took out his eye. There is just a small hole from a tooth in the top of his bill. When the poor guy tries to drink water squirt out of the hole. Any suggestions?
Oh, sad. Poor little sweetie. I really hope he heals somehow or adapts.
I thought I was the only one with a weird anti-water duck! Misty sits in the tub and QUACKS loud, after a few minutes she'll just jump out and then go straight for the dogs water dish and bathe in that. :rolleyes:  she's such a weirdo. But she loves the lake and river as long as we're swimming with her. That's the solution, we have to get in the tub with them! Haha!
Love it. She quacks loud. Is that cute? Yes. It is. All of it.
PANCAKE-ITOONS! Haaaaa! I want to hug you right now. :p And yeah, we've quickly learned that NOT getting wet can actually be a cause of wet feather, ironically. I guess if they don't take constant dips their oil gland just goes on vacation! His bill's stopped cracking and peeling since we upped his bathtimes, too.

I totally talk to the ducks like they're people. Sometimes I catch myself and feel like a goober, but for the most part I just keep it up like a complete loon. Luckily, my husband is very understanding, and I've caught him doing it too, ha!
Heehee. Yes, Bit flattens out like a pancake. It is funny.

So the feather thing and getting wet with water and the oil gland is a use it or lose it prospect. Very fascinating with how nature adapts. It is so malleable. I love it.

I sound like a loon, too. It is funny and sometimes I will do it at work just for fun and a few people laugh. But at home I am always doing the long and high pitched Eeeeeeeeee thing in their presence because they are so hideously cute. But then I do have quiet moments where I just stare at them and marvel. Do you ever just stop and stare at your duck cuties?

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