Show off your house ducks!

Hi everyone, it has been a traumatic morning. At about 4:45 am, Winter was acting as if she was going to lay an egg. Well, no egg came and Palmer grew very concerned - to the point she wouldn't leave Winter's side and started shaking - at that moment I knew something was wrong with Winter. I picked her up to look at her and she had prolapsed
To make matters worse, our only emergency vet - open all hours of the night - does not see ducks. Our only vet that does see ducks doesn't open until 7:00 am. So, through the tears, I frantically looked up anything and everything I could possibly do for our girl until then. I misted her prolapse with lukewarm water using a spray bottle and doused her prolapse with sugar every few minutes for about an hour. Then decided to stick her in the tub and when I realized it had reduced in size about 3 times, I kept her there another hour until the vet opened. Palmer and I were waiting at the door when the doctor arrived. It had shrunk enough to where it could be pushed back in, only to have it pop right back out. So, they're going to sedate her and purse string it. Also while she's under sedation, they're going to try to figure out the cause and if there is an egg currently inside her. I am just SO SO SO happy our girl is going to be okay. And, I am praising our good Lord!
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Hi everyone, it has been a traumatic morning. At about 4:45 am, Winter was acting as if she was going to lay an egg. Well, no egg came and Palmer grew very concerned - to the point she wouldn't leave Winter's side and started shaking - at that moment I knew something was wrong with Winter. I picked her up to look at her and she had prolapsed
To make matters worse, our only emergency vet - open all hours of the night - does not see ducks. Our only vet that does see ducks doesn't open until 7:00 am. So, through the tears, I frantically looked up anything and everything I could possibly do for our girl until then. I misted her prolapse with lukewarm water using a spray bottle and doused her prolapse with sugar every few minutes for about an hour. Then decided to stick her in the tub and when I realized it had reduced in size about 3 times, I kept her there another hour until the vet opened. Palmer and I were waiting at the door when the doctor arrived. It had shrunk enough to where it could be pushed back in, only to have it pop right back out. So, they're going to sedate her and purse string it. Also while she's under sedation, they're going to try to figure out the cause and if there is an egg currently inside her. I am just SO SO SO happy our girl is going to be okay. And, I am praising our good Lord!
Oh my word. Wow. You are awesome. My heart sank at the beginning of this but turned to a big relief at the end. So happy she is gonna be fine. Precious precious little Winter. Please reward Palmer for her part too as a concerned Momma. I commend you for administering first aid and having a vet to take her to. I wish there were more vets in the country who worked with birds. It would be better for people since ducks have become more popular family members. Keep us posted.
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That's SO CUTE! How funny that he forgot he doesn't like people LOL I feel like if ChaCha could figure out she's a duck, she and Wobs would be buddies. I think we all need to plan our own little village of house duck owners. I picture all our ducks looking at the window across the street and quacking like dogs informing their neighborhood buddies that "there's a person! They is a PERSON on the sidewalk. Pass it on!"
Thank you! I am having WAY too much fun with this stuffed bird. ChaCha is NOT amused lol
He will be missed by us all here! But we all know you did right by him! How lucky for him that you love him enough to let him move away, I know that had to be terribly difficult. You sound just like a momma empty nesting, but you let him "grow up" into the best ducky version of himself, even though that meant he had to leave you =) you are an AWESOME ducky momma!

NOW. Your serama is killing me! SO DANG CUTE. If he is a HE there shouldn't be any trouble. Often males are the *most* snuggly, and they are flock masters, so if your other pets can ignore a manly mini roo stance and dance he should love everyone just great! Don't decide on his gender until he crows or grows saddle feathers! I have had a LOT of baby serama with suuuuper bright red combs and wattles that are definitely larger than their siblings, and STILL be girls lol. They are tricksters!
LouLou is so pretty!!! I love that color. I think it makes them look more like a stuffed animal (begging to be snuggled of course). Shoot me a message to talk diapers! I have a new solid color teal just in time!
Thanks! I'm still working on Maleficent and Ursula, but all the princesses are done! Only had time to photograph Belle and Tiana




Belle (I think her shoulder piece needs to be bigger)



Glad to see you join in! I haven't seen updated pics of your ducky! What a cutie! I'm SO glad to hear he's doing well, he had such a sad start.
ChaCha spends her daytime outside with the chickens, but they are all completely enclosed to protect from both escape and predators. Is it possible to set him up achainilink dog run? Or even a fenced area worth bird netting on top? I'm sure he lives the freedom of hanging out outside, so it sounds like the best would be too set him up an enclosed daytime living area even if you are able to clip his wings. I'd hate to see him get eaten by something =(
What does ChaCha do to show her disdain for Fiddlesticks? I love ChaCha in her costumes. So cute and you are wonderful for having fun with it.
Silly Cha Cha needs to understand that that stuffy is no where near as beautiful as she is! Thanks, sweetheart! That means a lot.:hugs I miss my Dandelion River... Thanks! I think she/he is super cute but I might just be a bit biased :lol: I decided to name her/him after my favorite poet: Poe :) I have one lone egg that is due on Halloween so we will see what that one's name will be. I have been thinking a female because there's no red comb & waddles yet but I will just keep calling it him or her just to be safe and/or confuse the little thing :lau I know I've said it before but WOWzerz! You are so dang talented! Keep on sewing on, babe!:D Gotta love Miss L! :woot
Awww Poe! What a cute name! That's prefect for your pocket sized featherbutt! Thanks =D I'm glad I get to share it with you guys!
AHHHHHHHH OMGGGG THAT BELLE COSTUMEEEEE AHHHHHHH!!!! I MUST HAVE!!! LOL Sammi, those are so super amazing, I just the the styles. I love how the diaper matches, its like the whole skirt all around with a cute little tail popping out.. omg. my heart is melting.
That's the idea! I LOVE her little feather butt sticking out, it's my favorite picture angle for SURE lol
@ILOVEMYDUCKLING great idea about the dog kennel and cover over top to keep your lil one from flying off but I'd still clip a wing just to make sure when she is running loose in the back yard she doesn't take flight. Sorry Ladies for taking over this thread when I only have part time house duck, Just got me going since I have seen alot of heartbreaking stories about losing them from flying off.
You aren't taking over at all! We love your ducky wisdom!
Hi everyone, it has been a traumatic morning. At about 4:45 am, Winter was acting as if she was going to lay an egg. Well, no egg came and Palmer grew very concerned - to the point she wouldn't leave Winter's side and started shaking - at that moment I knew something was wrong with Winter. I picked her up to look at her and she had prolapsed
To make matters worse, our only emergency vet - open all hours of the night - does not see ducks. Our only vet that does see ducks doesn't open until 7:00 am. So, through the tears, I frantically looked up anything and everything I could possibly do for our girl until then. I misted her prolapse with lukewarm water using a spray bottle and doused her prolapse with sugar every few minutes for about an hour. Then decided to stick her in the tub and when I realized it had reduced in size about 3 times, I kept her there another hour until the vet opened. Palmer and I were waiting at the door when the doctor arrived. It had shrunk enough to where it could be pushed back in, only to have it pop right back out. So, they're going to sedate her and purse string it. Also while she's under sedation, they're going to try to figure out the cause and if there is an egg currently inside her. I am just SO SO SO happy our girl is going to be okay. And, I am praising our good Lord!
I'm so glad she's OK! How scary! Definitely let us know what the doctor finds. ChaCha and I are pulling for you both!
What does ChaCha do to show her disdain for Fiddlesticks? I love ChaCha in her costumes. So cute and you are wonderful for having fun with it.
She is very jealous. She quacks at her and bites her. If she forgets she's there and then suddenly runs into her there's a whole squawking/head down charging act. Poor girl doesn't realize it's not a real animal Thanks =D I totally lucked out that she's such a model LOL loves to pose and holds very still for me and the camera
Oh my word. Wow. You are awesome. My heart sank at the beginning of this but turned to a big relief at the end. So happy she is gonna be fine. Precious precious little Winter. Please reward Palmer for her part too as a concerned Momma. I commend you for administering first aid and having a vet to take her to. I wish there were more vets in the country who worked with birds. It would be better for people since ducks have become more popular family members. Keep us posted.

Palmer was definitely rewarded. She's a wonderful doggie momma to our Winter <3 I wish there were more vets available for birds as well. Thank you Julie, for your kind words.

I'm so glad she's OK! How scary! Definitely let us know what the doctor finds. ChaCha and I are pulling for you both!

You and ChaCha are so sweet. They kept Winter at the vet and monitored her for 8 hours. She ended up passing a soft shelled egg, her very first of this kind. I was so happy to hear she had passed an egg - hard or soft, it really didn't matter - what mattered was that her prolapse had corrected. And, I was thinking it could be her current diet. She's on Purina All Flock Raiser with oyster shells, yet she really doesn't like the oyster shells and always picks around them. With that being said, I don't think she is getting enough calcium. I had her momma, Perdy, on Layer Crumbles by Dumor and she's never had this problem. Perdy turned a year old in August and has layed over 60 perfect eggs since she turned 6 months old in February. So, I changed Winter's food today to the Dumor and I'm hoping that solves the problem. I was so upset this morning, I thought I had lost my little Winter. I am so blessed she recovered <3
Awww Poe! What a cute name! That's prefect for your pocket sized featherbutt!
Thanks =D I'm glad I get to share it with you guys!
That's the idea! I LOVE her little feather butt sticking out, it's my favorite picture angle for SURE lol
You aren't taking over at all! We love your ducky wisdom!
I'm so glad she's OK! How scary! Definitely let us know what the doctor finds. ChaCha and I are pulling for you both!
She is very jealous. She quacks at her and bites her. If she forgets she's there and then suddenly runs into her there's a whole squawking/head down charging act. Poor girl doesn't realize it's not a real animal
Thanks =D I totally lucked out that she's such a model LOL loves to pose and holds very still for me and the camera
Funny ChaCha. She is so much personality. I love her and how she gets all pissy over Fiddlesticks. Then turns around and models for you very nicely. Sweetie!!
Palmer was definitely rewarded. She's a wonderful doggie momma to our Winter <3 I wish there were more vets available for birds as well. Thank you Julie, for your kind words.
You and ChaCha are so sweet. They kept Winter at the vet and monitored her for 8 hours. She ended up passing a soft shelled egg, her very first of this kind. I was so happy to hear she had passed an egg - hard or soft, it really didn't matter - what mattered was that her prolapse had corrected. And, I was thinking it could be her current diet. She's on Purina All Flock Raiser with oyster shells, yet she really doesn't like the oyster shells and always picks around them. With that being said, I don't think she is getting enough calcium. I had her momma, Perdy, on Layer Crumbles by Dumor and she's never had this problem. Perdy turned a year old in August and has layed over 60 perfect eggs since she turned 6 months old in February. So, I changed Winter's food today to the Dumor and I'm hoping that solves the problem. I was so upset this morning, I thought I had lost my little Winter. I am so blessed she recovered <3
For what it is worth, my girls didn't like (or at least didn't eat much) oyster shell when it was from one brand where it was small crumbles (about as big as it was thick so it looked like little cubes). When we started getting it bulk, it came in little disks between 1/4" and 3/8" in the longest direction. They eat this like it was a treat. So try a couple different brands / forms and maybe she will eat more of one kind all on her own. Also there are foods that have the calcium in the food where she can't pick around it. This might work too.
For what it is worth, my girls didn't like (or at least didn't eat much) oyster shell when it was from one brand where it was small crumbles (about as big as it was thick so it looked like little cubes).  When we started getting it bulk, it came in little disks between 1/4" and 3/8" in the longest direction. They eat this like it was a treat.  So try a couple different brands / forms and maybe she will eat more of one kind all on her own.  Also there are foods that have the calcium in the food where she can't pick around it. This might work too.

Yes, that's what I started her on tonight. Layer Crumbles by Dumor. Hopefully she'll love it :)

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