Show off your house ducks!

Sorry been tied up last couple of days. Sick child and sick bunny. Trying to figure out best options to puncher an abscess or pay thousand dollar vet bill. Worryed about infections.

I know less than nothing about buns. I can send hugs and prayers.
There telling me that's it's not safe to do at home. I have to find the cash to take her to vet. Trying to see if I can borrow it from somethings else.
One of the Zorro babies is an ultra Zorro with very dark markings on his face. She's really protective of them but I will try to take pictures. The little burb family they are has already trampled most of my parsley plant and the pansies :rolleyes:

aww Freddie and Gibby are cute! What happen to Sam and Carly? :(

Poor things disappeared. Good thing I've got 4 female ducklings for them and the 2 other drakes.
Poor things disappeared. Good thing I've got 4 female ducklings for them and the 2 other drakes.

Oh no! My mallard Junior is missing too, she was living in the park with her partner but I haven't seen her in weeks. I see her guy occassionally but no sign of Junior.. I hope she is just nesting but it's been a few weeks and there is traffic nearby.. :hit Julie also "moved out" to live in the "swamp" (just grass under water) but she got home again. To beg for food. All day long.

Winnie is growing up so fast he/she is eating loads of food and pooping even more (??) All over me and my belongings. She sleeps in my bedroom I put her fishtank on my bed so she can see me. Zorro is still mad, she is not happy with the other ducks and especially drakes visiting. Oh and she doesn't like the rabbits chilling nearby the pen either, poor girl.
a question for old timers. Who knows the laws. Swedish ducks or protected by state and federal laws on a government watch list on endangered animals. These goes with any endanger animal. But my question is does these go for there eggs also. The gas company was out a few weeks ago. Without or permission they where messing around with meter. I am not sure if these is affecting my eggs. I will get a lock some how to lock it up . But how do you protect these animals from government employees or anyone who wants to hurt them. I no how to protect them from animal predators . But people it's harder
I agree completely,an orphan Paradise Duck was my first and he was so funny and really affectionate, wouldn't go to bed at night until he'd had cuddles , would also have a tantrum if his morning hugs were late, extremely spoilt wee man, with extremely noisy tantrums if he wasn't getting what he wanted fast enough, we walked him at least twice a day across the paddock and around the fire station next door the two large fluffy cats would come too much to the amusement of the neighbors and passers-by sadly Jeffrey grew up all too quickly and flew away back to the wild, happily he now has a beautiful wife but she doesn't like humans so she won't let him get too close to us anymore, now I have two Khaki Campbells which were meant to be 2 girls, but Amelia turned out to be a Franklinarius, Obviously Magdalerium is thrilled to have such a handsome fellow to love and to be fair, with her laying 2 eggs most days and three chickens also doing their part, we have plenty to go round anyway basically what I'm saying is once you have fallen in love with a duck, you will love them forever, they are beautiful, clever, loving, stroppy, fabulous, hilarious creatures that creep into your heart and never leave, nor would you want them to!
Ps. Paradise Ducks are a native to New Zealand and are actually Shelducks not Ducks (genetically closer to a goose)
Our Shelduck Jeff and our 2 Khaki Campbells love earthworms, here in NZ in rural areas like where I live, the most common size is about 5 - 7 inches long and about 1/2 an inch thick, very hard to find small ones out here, all three of the ducks do a hilarious happy dance when it's treat (worm) time although Jeff ran away from the first big worm he saw, but like most small children couldn't resist coming back cautiously and tasting it then it was all go after that, it does make gardening interesting having 2 ducks and 3 chickens leaping into any hole you dig looking for worms and if I go to get compost from the heap there is always an appreciative audience in tow!
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