Show off your Peas!


I love the name polka dot. Did you create that or was it an existing breed?

Polka Dot is not an approved or recognized pattern but with a little luck, it may prove to become a set pattern. So far it is just a few birds showing some promise in my breeding program, maybe it will pan out or it may flop, we will see in a couple years. The Red Buff is another rogue pattern that takes a lot of selective breeding to establish a good breeding flock.
I didnt know you had peas too. I'm always so impressed by your animals & your photography skills. :bow

Aw thankyou!

I don't have these two beauties anymore, they now live on a 'stately home' where they fit in perfectly!

Poor gal got pecked as a baby.

More than just pecked, rescued from awful conditions. About 3 pairs stuck in a cramped dark stable with 2ft thick mud on the floor.

At the time we could only take one pair. We literally had to hose them down when we got them back they were totally caked in mud.

The males feathers all broken and snapped, you can kinda see them on these photos. When we got him it was probably the first time he's ever got to display his feathers.


Polka Dot is not an approved or recognized pattern but with a little luck, it may prove to become a set pattern. So far it is just a few birds showing some promise in my breeding program, maybe it will pan out or it may flop, we will see in a couple years. The Red Buff is another rogue pattern that takes a lot of selective breeding to establish a good breeding flock.

I love it!:love Very cool looking.

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