Show off your Peas!

Baby Pea fishing for shrimp.

Fresh dirt
happy peas

Me thinks Camme is looking for a place to make a nest.

Didn't realize you lived where there was shrimp in the pond water! How interesting that peas would go after them. Mine live such a sheltered life. How dull compared to yours!
I have a ton of photos since I am a newbie at owning them. But then again, I notice some of you have had them quite a long time and still post plenty of wonderful photos!

My Bronze, Hershey, and his lady, Godiva.

The sun certainly changes the color of their feathering! I drool on myself when I see them!

It don't matter how long you are owned by Peas you never learn all there is to know about them, i am lucky in the fact that i am able to observe and interact with my bunch in a free range setting, they are really neat birds and i have learned alot about mine and they have taught me some things as well.

Your birds are beautiful and someone took lots of time and made lots of blisters building that lovely pen, i can see why it takes so long to move them.
I bought my pair of IB's about 1 1/2 yrs ago. They were yearling then so now they are about 3 yrs old. I have always had them penned. If I let them free-range would they come back at night? Every night they both go inside the barn to roost from their fenced in pen.
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