Show off your Peas!

Here's my baby peachick! In these photos he was 5 days old. That was 3 days ago... He/she is an indian blue. I still don't know his/her gender so the name is pretty hard to come up with...

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Loving all the photos! Great to see everyone's beauties. Since I was last on here I have hatched some, sold some, hatched some more. I seem to never catch them in full display as I would wish except for that most awesome fella, Zazous! He certainly is as charming as whom I named him after! There is my handsome white eye black shoulder IB, Majesty. I sold my white peacock and yearling white hen since I am not much into just white peafowl. Another Majesty shot. I have yet to ever get photos of my Cameo and Peach.
Hi Amy! I didn't put two and two together that your zazous was named after Zaz on here. So you two know and live close to each other?
I only have one male and I am trying to relocate him because he mysteriously appeared in my neighborhood almost 3 years ago and I am afraid for his safety. I am not sure how to relocate him since that could be dangerous to him as well from what I have heard from a chicken expert. This is why I joined this page. I really love him and want what is best for him. Am hoping to find someone with a large property who may want to adopt him and get him a pea hen or two. :)
Hi Amy! I didn't put two and two together that your zazous was named after Zaz on here. So you two know and live close to each other?

No, we do not live close to each other. She is in TX and I am in SC. However, she has been such a strong supporter of the peafowl, has such beautiful birds and is such an awesome person that my favorite peacock was named after her. I had to look up and do a bit of reading on her choice of names though but it has fit so well and Zaz is my inspiration in all things beautiful!
Every evening all the young males get together for a sparing match while the older males watch, it is funny cause when the older males spar the younger males watch but neither interfere with each other that are a generation apart, i love learning about these birds it never ends.
Click to enlarge

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