Show off your Peas!

My green peacock just lost his tail Yesterday without getting any green chicks this year.
The whole tail?

I have peas dropping train feathers but not all of them in one day.
I have noticed the same thing. My plants are so off this year. As are my peafowl one of my 2 year old males is losing his feathers already. I just wonder if there is a connection?

my only male, two years has already shed his whole tale and new feathers are growing it, it took him almost a month to loose the whole thing. I thought it was early...
I think it is just an off year. So far we are doing okay with our hatching, but I have had more clears this year than is normal and I have 1 hen who laid fine last year, but not a single egg from her this year. Lots of irregular laying as well, the every other day thing is out the door this year.
Curious to see if it affects the molting times.

mine went back and forth several times with one a day then one every other day, then two a day, then none for 3 days. then just a little over a week ago I got 4 eggs one night - we only have 4 hens, and three the next, then right back to every other night... I just thought it was their first year laying and they were confused. figured next year will be more consistent - hopefully :)
mine went back and forth several times with one a day then one every other day, then two a day, then none for 3 days. then just a little over a week ago I got 4 eggs one night - we only have 4 hens, and three the next, then right back to every other night... I just thought it was their first year laying and they were confused. figured next year will be more consistent - hopefully :)

I have 10 year old hens laying like that.
Baby redbirds in my grape vines, there were 4 eggs but only 2 hatched.

She is such a good momma but she can't remember which babies are hers so she just mothers them all

Growing up so fast, i hate to see them go to their new homes

Guinea moms are so loyal, i took her brood because bad weathers was coming and i did not want them to drowned.

Learning about food

I am finding s few feathers a day from all of mine got a dozen so far today , they are so pretty considering all the rains we had earler this year, the only once that are not pretty are from the comming 2 year olds they are worn out looking but feathers are good for the soil so i put those in the garden.

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