Show off your Peas!

Here is a pix of Mindy's babies I hatched for her! I had a hatch rate of 65% rate with my new GQF Sportsman Cabinet incubator!






Been away for a bit, but things are going strangely here! We're building more pens whenever we have a spare moment, but my big boy, Blu, decided that he is done for the summer and blew his train almost two weeks ago now, and all my hens decided February-June was enough laying for them, and quit. Since we aren't quite done with the new chicken pen, and the BCM chicks had to go outside, I put them in with the peas for now... Aurora, my oldest girl, decided that they were HER kids, and now she sits on them at night and leads them around the pen and gathers them up if the resident hawk comes by to look at them.

Our newest young male, a yearling purple pied, finally got to join the others. I had not realized how LARGE he was until I set him down in the pen with them, but holy crap! He stands so much taller than any of my other birds. I think I may follow Dylansmom in looking for some taller, leaner birds in the future, because when I look at the comparison for the two, his body form really is a lot prettier.

Here's the video of our introduction (Octavian is the 2yo opal in that pen, the rest are hens... and the silly polish babies with no sense at alll that are heading off to a friend soon):

Ok I want your consensus of opinion. Is this a purple?

My purples had no dark brown on them as chicks. They were an orangey light brown color. This is one of them in front of a spalding that was darker brown.

They were much lighter colored than the India Blue chicks and definitely an orange hue.
Ok I want your consensus of opinion. Is this a purple?

I'd agree, doesn't look purple to me. Especially not with those real dark feathers at the base of the neck. IMO they look like white-eyes in that they are a much more washed out brown, but it's a orangey washed out brown like Dylansmom said.
Been away for a bit, but things are going strangely here! We're building more pens whenever we have a spare moment, but my big boy, Blu, decided that he is done for the summer and blew his train almost two weeks ago now, and all my hens decided February-June was enough laying for them, and quit. Since we aren't quite done with the new chicken pen, and the BCM chicks had to go outside, I put them in with the peas for now... Aurora, my oldest girl, decided that they were HER kids, and now she sits on them at night and leads them around the pen and gathers them up if the resident hawk comes by to look at them.

Our newest young male, a yearling purple pied, finally got to join the others. I had not realized how LARGE he was until I set him down in the pen with them, but holy crap! He stands so much taller than any of my other birds. I think I may follow Dylansmom in looking for some taller, leaner birds in the future, because when I look at the comparison for the two, his body form really is a lot prettier.

Here's the video of our introduction (Octavian is the 2yo opal in that pen, the rest are hens... and the silly polish babies with no sense at alll that are heading off to a friend soon):

beautiful birds
The green peas now have a mother, look at those babies nestled under her breast feathers.. and it is not cold outside at all they have found comfort in their confusing world, i think they are very happy now as they have finely begun to play.
She will be a great aid in taming these beautiful babies as she is very very tame herself, she has been feeding them meal worms such a pretty sight.

The babies are getting curious , this one pecks at the freckles on my leg

This is why i can not get stuff done, always in the way, finely gets dry enough to get the tractor in there and this happens.

The greens big brooder is almost ready i hope they like it.

My precious Marcus now this is one that loves to cuddle ,

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