Show off your Peas!

Quick question; how do you guys feed? A specific time of day or full feed? If like to control their food so that thru associate it with me and will become more tame but when they're growing this fast I hate to shortchange them. There are lots of weed seeds in my pen, I think they get enough during the day that I'd like to feed just at night so as to gets them to come to me and eventually be able to hand feed them.

Edit: by night I mean evening when I get home from work.
I feed a little differently than most do, but... at around that age my chicks are in wire floored grow out pens and they get fed fermented feed, AM and PM (they get a bigger portion in the AM than they do in the PM so there's less wasted food, and also so rodents are not attracted to my pens). They get some scrambled eggs, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, fresh greens etc the afternoon for treats.

Not sure when you get home from work in the PMs but the daylight hours are shortening already and getting shorter every day, so if you are only feeding them in the PM eventually they may not get much to eat (unless your coop/pen has lighting). I just have a few solar lights around my grow out pens, so my chicks are typically snuggled together up on their perches instead of eating once its dark.

How about giving them special treats every PM instead of feeding them their main meal at that time? My Peas all learn the treat routine real fast... so I'm betting yours will be anxiously waiting for you once they figure out you are bringing them special yummies the same time every evening.

Just a suggestion, maybe others have some better ideas.
[COLOR=0000FF]I feed a little differently than most do, but... at around that age my chicks are in wire floored grow out pens and they get fed fermented feed, AM and PM (they get a bigger portion in the AM than they do in the PM so there's less wasted food, and also so rodents are not attracted to my pens). They get some scrambled eggs, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, fresh greens etc the afternoon for treats.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Not sure when you get home from work in the PMs but the daylight hours are shortening already and getting shorter every day, so if you are only feeding them in the PM eventually they may not get much to eat (unless your coop/pen has lighting). I just have a few solar lights around my grow out pens, so my chicks are typically snuggled together up on their perches instead of eating once its dark.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]How about giving them special treats every PM instead of feeding them their main meal at that time? My Peas all learn the treat routine real fast... so I'm betting yours will be anxiously waiting for you once they figure out you are bringing them special yummies the same time every evening.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Just a suggestion, maybe others have some better ideas.[/COLOR]

Mine did!



We start our chicks on dry feed and then give them hard boiled egg blended with starter by hand every morning as a treat. When they get to around six to ten weeks they go out to the grow out brooder and get mash when, the older peas get fed, morning and evening. As well as having 28% crumbles we mix a wet feed for all the outdoor peas every morning and evening that includes scratch, crumbles, rolled oats, crimped corn, pecan powder, and water. To this base mash we will add chopped vegetables, fruits, eggs, and fish on different days. The older peas are all free ranging so they do not get free fed crumbles, they only get the wet feed twice a day.

Here is a pic of them enjoying their morning treat.



Here is a picture of all 80 feathers i have collected from my peas from this week

So here's the question i want to sell them but where should I go i know there's some fly shops nearby and some craft stores and how much should I sell them for??
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Here is a picture of all 80 feathers i have collected from my peas from this week

So here's the question i want to sell them but where should I go i know there's some fly shops nearby and some craft stores and how much should I sell them for??
Craft stores are not a great place to sell, they get their feathers from China where they eat Peacocks and the feathers are a by-product and therefore dirt cheap . My suggestion would be the fly shops and also ebay. You will need to sanitize the feathers and clean them a bit. Pricing depends on what type of feather it is, most fly tyers want matched pairs and they need to be in pretty good condition. The other option is to sell them as-is in a mixed lot, but you will not get much for them this way. If you are going to sell you will need to find your target group for purchase(fly tyers, Miliners, Regalia artists, etc...) and do some research. Here is how we sell some of our wing feathers targeted for fly tying. Well I can't attach pics right now, I'll try to add them later.
We start our chicks on dry feed and then give them hard boiled egg blended with starter by hand every morning as a treat. When they get to around six to ten weeks they go out to the grow out brooder and get mash when, the older peas get fed, morning and evening. As well as having 28% crumbles we mix a wet feed for all the outdoor peas every morning and evening that includes scratch, crumbles, rolled oats, crimped corn, pecan powder, and water. To this base mash we will add chopped vegetables, fruits, eggs, and fish on different days. The older peas are all free ranging so they do not get free fed crumbles, they only get the wet feed twice a day.

Here is a pic of them enjoying their morning treat.

Boy, my guys aren't getting near that kind of menu! Your peas look awesome tho. I just been giving them 22% protein crumbles. They were on 30% until they were 6 weeks, do I need to get it higher? I fed them the crumble this morning but I was unable to sit w/ them in the pen b/c of work. Is a wet mash better? I know hogs do much better on wet feed, thats why we put water nipples on their feeders. Do you ferment the feed or just wet it down? Thanks again for the info, going to try what you guys have recommended.
We were doing the fermented feed (FF) like PeepsCa does until we got a round of sickness and the vet suggested that the FF may have e-coli contamination and that kind of freaked me, so I only do a wet mash for them now. The DW still ferments for all the other fowl. My birds really like the wet mash, they act like they are starved even though they have crumbles all the time. That makes it easy to get them to eat from your hand.

We went to the store the other day and got a sack of 'used bananas' they are the ones most stores throw in the garbage after they set on the shelf for too long. At ten cents a pound it makes for a really cheap treat or to mix into the mash.

Here is a picture of all 80 feathers i have collected from my peas from this week

So here's the question i want to sell them but where should I go i know there's some fly shops nearby and some craft stores and how much should I sell them for??
Craft stores are not a great place to sell, they get their feathers from China where they eat Peacocks and the feathers are a by-product and therefore dirt cheap . My suggestion would be the fly shops and also ebay. You will need to sanitize the feathers and clean them a bit. Pricing depends on what type of feather it is, most fly tyers want matched pairs and they need to be in pretty good condition. The other option is to sell them as-is in a mixed lot, but you will not get much for them this way. If you are going to sell you will need to find your target group for purchase(fly tyers, Miliners, Regalia artists, etc...) and do some research. Here is how we sell some of our wing feathers targeted for fly tying.

Craft stores are not a great place to sell, they get their feathers from China where they eat Peacocks and the feathers are a by-product and therefore dirt cheap . My suggestion would be the fly shops and also ebay. You will need to sanitize the feathers and clean them a bit. Pricing depends on what type of feather it is, most fly tyers want matched pairs and they need to be in pretty good condition. The other option is to sell them as-is in a mixed lot, but you will not get much for them this way. If you are going to sell you will need to find your target group for purchase(fly tyers, Miliners, Regalia artists, etc...) and do some research. Here is how we sell some of our wing feathers targeted for fly tying.
So i just need to pair them up

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