Show off your Peas!


How about my third baby now I'm pretty sure she is a girl :) she's my baby and she is only 2 days younger then my other 2 but she is way smaller too
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How about my third baby now I'm pretty sure she is a girl
she's my baby and she is only 2 days younger then my other 2 but she is way smaller too

I can see some barring on the shoulder at this angle making me think it's a male. You need a picture of the shoulders to tell for sure.
These were my peachicks when they were three weeks old. Male in front, female is in the back.
Hey, so based on the picture of the chick above, anyone wanna guess what sex it is? As shown above it was only hours old, but had that dark coloration.

Tie a washer or ring to a piece of string and hold it over the chick. Hold it as still as possible, then let me know if it goes back and forth or around and around. Then try it on your dog, then I will guess.

I have a chicken hen that had set over two months on pea eggs, so as a reward I let her have one chick that she hatched out. After two weeks of being a peamomma she abandoned the chick, we found it cold dead the other morning on the coop floor.

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