Show off your Red sex-links!! [[pictures included]] !! (:

The Red Sex-Links do seem to be a bit more popular and probably lay a little better but both are good layers. Actually my Heritage RIR's are very good layers but the do start laying later than most other breeds. actually it's about the RSL marketing, when egg production capacity between RSL and heritage chicken (RIR, NHR or Light Sussex) are similar.
Ok...........I'm confused............ I have a pen with 2EE's in it with 4 BSL, 3RSL. I've been getting a blue egg/green egg and had just 2 days ago a brown egg. Here's what I got today and yep....I checked each nest this am!!! I not only look in each nest...I put my hand in there and feel in the far corners of each one. Can a BSL or a RSL have a blue egg?
Ok...........I'm confused............ I have a pen with 2EE's in it with 4 BSL, 3RSL. I've been getting a blue egg/green egg and had just 2 days ago a brown egg. Here's what I got today and yep....I checked each nest this am!!! I not only look in each nest...I put my hand in there and feel in the far corners of each one. Can a BSL or a RSL have a blue egg?

I have never heard of a Sex-Link laying a blue egg. Maybe there is a mix from the past and one of them has the gene. It's not all that common but maybe one of your EE's layed an egg the evening before and one the next morning. I have had 6 birds in one coop and went out later the next day and there were 7 eggs in the nest boxes. Just guessing...
I have never heard of a Sex-Link laying a blue egg. Maybe there is a mix from the past and one of them has the gene. It's not all that common but maybe one of your EE's layed an egg the evening before and one the next morning. I have had 6 birds in one coop and went out later the next day and there were 7 eggs in the nest boxes. Just guessing...
Well cmom.......
`1......I sure didn't know enough about any breeds to know what can happen,,,,however,,,,
Well,,,,,,I wasn't imagining anything !!! I only thought I had only 2 EE ! Checked the nest this am before I left to run errands.....made sure the nests were empty... Just checked them after coming home and here's what I found............
I'm excited but really surprised !! An EE must be somewhere in her lineage .
Not sure where this is going to stop.....LOLOL.....However, I do not know just what kind of chickens I have anymore!...except for the first 2 EE's because they look like EE's.! Then there are 4 BSL's and 3 RSL's////or so I thought. You all know I've been getting a green and a light bluish egg pretty often from the older EE's....Then this week...the other's have started coming right on.! Like gang-busters!
Today I have drop a brown little one in the yard when my bucket fell over in the car seat and then you can see the one in this pict with the arrows on it pointing to the crack.. Going to feed that one back to them tomorrow. But check out the colors I'm getting today and how many.. Was only 2 I think at the beginning of the end of last week.
Leaves one more to start laying in that pen

Yes, they can.....

This is Pat, a 3/4 Marans & 1/4 CCL.... Just black.

If it's a Black Copper Marans roo x CCL hen, the pullets are black and olive eggers.
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