Show some of that chicken love!

and the "Americana" rooster
Here is my butter dish. I have a few mixing bowls in the same pattern. I also have a full set of refrigerator dishes that we use instead of tupperware for left overs.
I love it all, makes me want to start a new collection! No I can't,I don't have room!
But my L'il guy may have already started it for me!
He got this for me for christmas, told DH I know Momma is gonna just love this! I do, and I made sure, I made a big deal about it too, boy did he beam christmas morning!!! He is 5!


Bless his Little heart!
Henrietta!!! I am always on the look out for refrigerator dish sets!

Please share and show us yours!

Thanks! I have been trying to stop using plastic, especially for things that will go in the microwave. I've got some that were my grandmother's and the rest I've gotten through Ebay as well as antique and tag sales.

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