Show your silkies!

Somehow managed to talk my BF into two new chickens.... so here are my first two silkies! Please be girls:fl

Hm I don’t know what to tell you… mine are very friendly and not at all skittish… but I do see a difference in the silkies I have had from chicks and the ones I haven’t… have you tried bringing them treats and hand feeding them? Or sitting with them in a small area where they cannot get to far away from you and just letting them get used to you being around while they are going about there day…? That’s what I have done with the parrots I have trained… don’t know if it would work for a chicken… lol best of luck to ya
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Hm I don’t know what to tell you… mine are very friendly and not at all skittish… but I do see a difference in the silkies I have had from chicks and the ones I haven’t… have you tried bringing them treats and hand feeding them? Or sitting with them in a small area where they cannot get to far away from you and just letting them get used to you being around while they are going about there day…? That’s what I have done with the parrots I have trained… don’t know if it would work for a chicken… lol best of luck to ya

Thanks for the tips...I have tried to feed them treats but they act like I am giving them a big scary monster!! I built them a small outside pen that I am going to sit in with them and try that..I am hoping that in time they will come around and like to be around me! The other chicks I raised started out like that but over time they come around and love it when they see me...I just feel so bad because they are so little and scared...I am not sure what it was like for them prior to my getting them so I am not sure what I have to overcome with them..I will keep trying and I hope in time they will look at me as the treat giver and not that big scary monster with her hand monster!! lol!!
This is Sascha. She is somewhat spoiled. She runs up to us and wants to be picked up. I work from home, and I bring her inside sometimes to just hang out here with me while I'm transcribing. Here she is just groovin' on the bed yesterday afternoon.


She is a very hip chick.
We assume she's a she based on behavior. I hatched her on March 12th, so she just turned 3 months old. As is the case with silkies, we won't be sure she's a girl until she lays an egg.... or crows, in which case her name will promptly be changed to Sebastian.

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