showed up in why yard??


May 14, 2015
I know nothing about chickens but this one showed up all by itself. We believe it is an Australorp but have no clue on age or if a hen or too.. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
I've raised chickens for many years so getting pretty good at recognizing a hen from a rooster.
I perceive your chicken is a hen. Short cone, shorter legs than a rooster and full bodied. She
doesn't appear to be laying since her cone is not red, when she gets into full lay her cone should
turn a deep red. Looking at her legs she looks to be young, maybe 6 months to a year, that an
educated guess.
The way you can tell if a hen is laying, raise her by her legs holding her upside down, see how many
fingers you can put between her pelvic bone, 1 means not laying, 2 means getting ready to lay or
finishing up laying and waiting for molt. 3-4 she is in full lay mode.
Hope this helps.
Nice looking hen! Have fun!
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Thank you all... I hope it's a hen as my daughter is becoming attached to it
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Welcome to Backyard Chickens :welcome It's great of you for adopting the poor thing! It looks to be the max of eight or nine weeks old, since it has the juvenile plumage and the overall very young chicken look. Since it is so young and has a pretty red comb, I think it's a cockerel. Also he looks like either a Black Australorp or Jersey Giant, the way you can tell is by looking at the bottoms of his feet, if they are yellow he is a Jersey Giant, if they are pinkish or white, he is a Black Australorp. If you have questions about anything else just let me know :)

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