Showing at the fair


8 Years
Mar 24, 2012
Me and my friend are showing our Silkie hens for the first time and are wondering what we need to do.

Can any one give me a walk through of a junior poultry showmanship?
Ok, so I've been looking at the website and it says there are Junior showmanship, Intermediate showmanship and, Senior showmanship.
Would the Junior poultry show only be for Juniors?
To be certain you need to ask an official of the fair you are interested in.

Most likely what is meant here is that the show is for kids which would include everyone from Junior to Senior but NOT open to adults which would make it an "open" show.
Are you in 4-H or FFA? I love these programs, and I will miss being a member (Last year! I'm too old...) If you are not in 4-H, my description may not be totally accurate. Keep in mind shows are different for each judge, county, or state fair....

Bear with me if my description is long or boring!

Showmanship is my favorite type of show, because it doesn't matter what your chicken looks like-It matter what you know about your bird, your bird's breed, and chickens in general. People don't have to have prize-winning, Standard of Perfection chickens to win 1st at showmanship! Hatchery-quality birds are the standard at my fair.

The judges at our local county fair are usually kind and informative, and are always willing to give young poultry showmen and -women helpful tips. During a showmanship show, your bird will either be in a show cage, which you stand next too, or held by you on a show table. (Different fairs, different procedures)

The judge will visit each person, and ask them to take their bird out (headfirst) and hold them. They they will as you to present the head, the wings, feet and plumage to the judge. But wait! The judge is not looking for faults of the bird- he's looking at how you handle the bird. As you go through showing procedures, he will ask questions about the chicken. Make sure you know it's breed, color, and age. He will also ask about parts of the bird, such as the types of wing feathers, or parts of the leg. One of our fair's favorite tie-breakers is to ask the 4-H'er the breeds of the other exhibitor's chickens, so before the show, it's always smart to try to ID the other birds. (I'm bad at distinguishing white-colors birds, so try and practice that!) Health and diseases are also good to know.

Which birds should you use? For your Silkies, choose your calmest, gentlest chicken, the one you can handle easiest. If all of them are kind of flighty, practice holding them and moving them several weeks prior to the show. Cage training is also recommended, if your birds will be caged during the show.

Don't worry too much! It seems like a lot to think about, but just remember to have fun! Showing is always rewarding, even if there's no blue ribbon- you've gained more knowledge for next year, and you have some freaking-adorable birds to be proud of!

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