Showing Poultry in 4H

Okay, this thread is old but I found a breeder on Craigslist that sells Cochin bantams (I am in 4-h and show chickens). BUT they are mixed COLORS. Pure Cochin, just mixed colors of Cochin. Can I show them at my county fair?
Well, I've been showing chickens for about five years now. Every fair/club is different, but I think I can answer some of your questions! In my experience, "mutt" or mixed chickens are fine to show. They have their own class for judging. Last year was my first year showing a mixed hen, and because no one shows mixed she got top blue in her class. I would actually prefer to show mixed because there is less competition, and there is no specific way its suppose to look. The judge can't call you out on something wrong with it because its mixed. (Example: The head was to big/small) So it really depends if your fair will let you show a mixed bird or not. I didn't do anything to "train" them, but make sure that they are friendly to where the judge can pick them up and spread there wings out, things like that. Other than that, I bathe my girls before the fair, make sure they don't have mites, and thats it. You might want to bring some baby wipes or olive oil to the fair with you before showing to pamper them a little. There is also showmanship, but I would personally wait until next year to do that, your son would have more experience. As for picking a breed, I would pick the cochin or silkie mix. Both are very nice breeds and perfect for beginners. Last but not least, you can leave the chicks with the mom for a while longer. Most chickens at the fair are at least four months old, but to take them now or later is completely your choice. Welp, I hope that helped you a little, when I started showing birds it was very confusing, so if you have any more questions, just ask!

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