

Mar 10, 2015
We have a small flock and have decided to start hatching chicks :) So, excited!!! I have also been very curious and am wanting to start showing at some local shows etc. Would anyone be able to help me out with when I need to start working with a chick to get them ready for old they need to be, etc just any information would be greatly appreciated!!
It's never too early to start working with your chicks. In fact, the earlier, the better. Getting them used to you is very important if you are going to show. Simply picking up your chick every time you take care of the chickens works wonders on it's own. About age, your chicken should be fully feathered or close to it in order to show. I showed a 14 week old last year and even though she looked pretty good, it turned out that she still needed to grow out her feathers some more. I would recommend showing at 18+ weeks to avoid that, but it also depends on what breed you have. It shouldn't be too difficult to look up how old your chicken must be to be fully feathered, as well as other important information for showing.
Best luck to you!
Thank you for the information!!! I have already started to count out the weeks. I don't want to start with anything big I have never shown chickens, show horses I think I will get it figured out lol. I have 8 Americana chicks that I have been handling playing with and they have all got really good at being picked up and me fiddling with them. I know they all won't make show hens maybe none but I want them to be friendly regardless I like to talk to them and love on them :)

I did read that there are 2 types of where you do not handle them they get judged in the cage and the other you that correct? What about banding?

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