Shrieking 2 month old Hen


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 28, 2010
South Florida
Millie is about 2 months old and is a Buff Orpington pullet. She chirps frequently, but the last couple of days she also lets out a shriek, similar to a hawk's call. I don't see any sign of her being a rooster, but the noise is really odd. She gets along fine with her 2 sisters and is eating well. She doesn't seem distressed at all. Help! Why is my Peep pretending to be a hawk?
My biggest and my smallest RIR did the dame thing at about the same time. Neither of the others did though. Maybe coincidence, but they are also extremely loud when laying. As in, loud enough to hear them on my second floor at the far end of my house (about 60 ft.) with all the doors and windows closed.
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Sorry for the confusion. I meant they shrieked at 2 months. Now that they are laying, the 2 shriekers are super loud when they are about to lay an egg.
Mine will sometimes shriek if there's a hawk or raven flying overhead and/or they sense danger. Then they all freeze.

One day, my neighbor's tree dropped a large branch right in one of their romping zones in the yard and I didn't see it. They were all outside shrieking and carrying on something fierce until I came out and moved the branch.

So sometimes, it think it's an example of them training me to come running when they shriek. So far, I'm picking it up pretty good.

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Thanks so much for all of your feedback. It's comforting to know she's not the only one making terrible noises at such an early age. It doesn't seem to phase the other two Peeps. So long as she remains a hen and doesn't crow up to be a rooster, all is well.

If she ends up being a Roo we'd have to find her a new home. I can't imagine having to separate them... it would break my heart, and theirs, too.

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