Shy Chicks and Growth Question


May 23, 2022
Our chicks are nearly 2 weeks old but I haven't been able to get them to take food from me.
We've not had this with our previous chicks and I'm not sure if it's the breed they are.

They are Marans X legbars and a cream legbar.

If you have only girls in your clutch do you find them less friendly? I ask this because there are no differences yet that I can see. Comb growth has been the same, feather is almost exactly the same. It's slightly shorter on one but they are small, medium and large versions of each other and the slightly smaller one has a slightly smaller tail. So I think they are either all boys or all girls. The Marans X legbars can't be sexed because the X is the wrong way for sexing but the cream legbar is a girl and is feathering at the same rate. It would be crazy luck if that was the case but you never know.

I'm not sure how to get them to warm to me. I sit with them and offer food on my finger but they ignore me or run for the hills. Any recommendations for making them love me or at least not be mortally offended by my mere presence.

Anyone have experience on feather of these breeds? Do females and males feather at similar rates?

Pictures are just for fun, unless you see anything I don't!


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They won't be comfortable with you until later, usually. What type of brooder do you have?

Our two previous sets have been in the same brooder which is a mesh type pet pen.

Both of these were cautious but would approach for a nibble of food on my finger within days. These have gotten no closer than they did the first time I offered my finger.

I don't really mind, I really am just curious if this is a breed that is more wary in general or if either legbar or Marans are skittish breeds.

I don't want to overly encourage interaction if it's just not their personality.
Our two previous sets have been in the same brooder which is a mesh type pet pen.

Both of these were cautious but would approach for a nibble of food on my finger within days. These have gotten no closer than they did the first time I offered my finger.

I don't really mind, I really am just curious if this is a breed that is more wary in general or if either legbar or Marans are skittish breeds.

I don't want to overly encourage interaction if it's just not their personality.
Higher strung breeds such as legbar and maran, could be more wary.
I've always heard that Barnevelders were shy, and turns out, after I got some, they are! So it very well could be a breed thing.
I find that each brood is different, even if they are the same breed. They are each individuals with their own personality. Some individuals are more cautious, adventurous, curious, or bolder than others. My main suggestion is to just be patient. Don't change what you are doing. Eventually they will come around.

If you have only girls in your clutch do you find them less friendly?
Don't read too much into this but the boys tend to be more adventurous and bolder, which makes them seem friendlier. They come out front while the girls hang back. It's a trap to get you to fall in love with them and not get rid of them if you can't have boys. If you ever get chicks at a feed store and want girls, don't get the ones that come out to say hello.

It's still too early to tell. Some boys can be shy, some girls bold. This is a tendency where if you have enough you may see it as a trend, but they are still individuals. Not all trend together.
I find that each brood is different, even if they are the same breed. They are each individuals with their own personality. Some individuals are more cautious, adventurous, curious, or bolder than others. My main suggestion is to just be patient. Don't change what you are doing. Eventually they will come around.

Don't read too much into this but the boys tend to be more adventurous and bolder, which makes them seem friendlier. They come out front while the girls hang back. It's a trap to get you to fall in love with them and not get rid of them if you can't have boys. If you ever get chicks at a feed store and want girls, don't get the ones that come out to say hello.

It's still too early to tell. Some boys can be shy, some girls bold. This is a tendency where if you have enough you may see it as a trend, but they are still individuals. Not all trend together.

So true, we got 4 unsexed chicks from a farm. Two were as bold as brass and couldn't wait to say hello. Would be the first to run to me and nibble food from me.....they are boys. Different in their own way for sure, one is more upfront than the other but still came before the girls.

Every chick/chicken we've had so far has been true to breed type which I hadn't expected. We have a Marans hybrid already that is more nervous than her clutch mates who are legbar hybrids but they themselves are flighty but if I sit quietly and patiently they will come to me still. I didn't realise Marans were also highly strung though, I thought our little hybrid was nervous because we only had one of her breed.

The chicks are darling I will spend time with them and gently see if they want to make friends.
Still no joy with taking food but when we take them outside they sit under me so I can't be all bad! 🤣
We've got out first Roo suspect. Overnight his comb has sprouted more than the other two and he is much bigger! He has the Roo stance and he's the first one to fly. He's up for exploring more than the others.
That's not to say the other Marsbars aren't Roos as I'm convinced they've hatched a day or two after because he is so much bigger than them and is feathering a little faster, maybe a day ahead.
I am worried I've got 3 boys which will be gutting but that's the way it goes sometimes.

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