Sick 2 day old peachick.....At a loss what to do.


Thanks fr the link....hers didn't look like any of those. Closest two the second pic but no white or blood in it. Sho pooed all over my poor husbands side when we gave her the pancure.

Thanks fr the link....hers didn't look like any of those. Closest two the second pic but no white or blood in it. Sho pooed all over my poor husbands side when we gave her the pancure.
That sounds like a normal cecal poop to me, sometimes they are really loose, especially when being handled, lol.

Ok. So we talked about what to use med wise ....but what dose and how many times?
If you're asking about metronidazole for treating histomoniasis (blackhead), according to the AAAP Avian Disease Manual, it's 30mg/kg by mouth for five days. Your average mature peahen should weigh 4kg, I think, so it would get 1/2 of a 250mg Fish-Zole, Flagyl, etc.

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Thanks again Kathy. I was at my vets office....she doesn't do a lot with birds but we were looking it up in her books. And that's what she told me but we wanted to make sure. I have met. Pills. So should be interesting to see how this works. We have to give them twice a day for 5 days. I truly do not think she has blackhead but I want to be safe. I have given her the 3 days of pancure. I'm going to try and collect a fecal sample tomorrow to take to vet for analysis.
How many mg are the pills? Here are some more questions, how long did it take the first one to die and how long did it take the second one after the first? If your bird has blackhead you will see something, drooping wings fluffy feathers laying down something? It doesn't sound like blackhead to me. My friend lost her midnight peacock and told me the bird just dropped dead on her and did not look sick at all - I said impossible, it had to show something and she missed it. She said it did have a runny nose a month or two before it died. Respiratory infection that would've been cured with a shot of Baytril or Tylan 200. Who else is in the pen with them? Do they look sick? You said you still have 9 peas from last year, what about them? They would be the ones who would get blackhead. Can I also ask who told you to treat for possible blackhead? Stress can cause a pea to get sick, stress can actually kill the bird as well. I had a bird arrive with a runny nose and crusty eyes from shipping stress. I also had a hen get chased by the males and when I seen it happen I went down and separated the hen, I found her dead later in the day. I do not know how long she had been chased for but she was panting like crazy when I moved her and I guess the stress was too much for her. What I am saying is stress can cause a bird to get sick and poop like any of the first 4 pictures in Kathy's thread just remove the blood and also a lot of water consuming will make the poop watery.
If you read back in the messages you can get all the background. But no none of the other peas are sick. None showed signs before we found them dead. Yes we may have missed it but I am self employed and home a lot so they are checked very regular by me and my husband....several times a day. The two hens that dies were in with a male. One did have mites which we treated all 4 and ground. Also there is no nasel discharge and no heavy breathing, or rattling in thier chests and no my male is not aggressive to them. He is one mellow boy. We have wormed all remaining peas with pancure. No said it was blackhead just said it was possible. I'm planning to collect fecal matter to have analyzed at vet on Monday. But so far everyone else is alive and appear normal

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