Sick 5-6 week old chick - respiratory?

Hi Sorry your chick, is not well. If i was you, i would scramble an egg up, for her.
If you have any fresh herbs, chop a few up and add, to egg. The herbs will help her
immune symptom. Also try her with plain yogurt as well. Now, this will sound crazy, but
it works. Have you any VICK vapour rub. Get a cotton bud, dip a little in the Vicks
and dab on each nostril. You can also dab on her crop. Keep doing this every couple of hours. Trust me this will help her, if you have not got Vicks, then eucalyptus oil will
help as well. She is a a lovely cute chick, and looks as if she has plenty of life in her. Bless.
Hope this helps.

Thanks. I did scramble an egg for her - but no interest in eating it (although she is eating her feed). None of the chicks was interested in the egg.

I have been using Poultry VetRx on her (which is Vicks for Chicks) - I think it's helping some.

She seems to be sustaining - eyes were more open this morning. I gave them some plain yogurt with Nutri-drench mixed in - hopefully they will eat it.

None of the other chicks are affected by whatever is bothering her. She's plugging along though in spite of it. Just stops to rest and closes her eyes more. I'm back at work today, but hoping if we keep up the treatments she'll continue to improve.
Hi So glad your chick is on the mend. Yes, if she eats yogurt it will do her good.
This is another item i keep on hand as well. This also gives them strength to heal.
Well done so far, keep us posted. Good luck.

Hi So glad your chick is on the mend. Yes, if she eats yogurt it will do her good.
This is another item i keep on hand as well. This also gives them strength to heal.
Well done so far, keep us posted. Good luck.

Thanks. Is this similar to Nutri-Drench?

Fingers crossed for our sweet Tilly. Sink or swim Chicken veterinary training is stressful.
My poor girl is still miserable. Just got home from work. She's hiding her head under her wing wishing it would all go away.

Is antibiotics our next thing to try? I feel like I'm already doing everything else. I feel so bad for her. Separating her from the flock and she peeps frantically. Too much stress for her on top of everything else. :(

Sorry about your sick chick. It might be mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) a chronic respiratory disease. Treatment is Tylan, either the Tylan 50 cattle injectable medicine sold in feed stores and given orally to chicks, or Tylan Soluble Powder which you may be able to get from your vet or online here:

If using injectable Tylan 50 give 0.1 ml orally 3 times a day for 5 days. The tylosin powder dosage is 1/4 tsp per each quart of water for 5 days. Treat only birds with symptoms.
It can be hard to tell one respiratory disease from others, but mycoplasma (MG) can be transmitted by carriers, other chickens, coming from a farm with carrier birds, transmitted through hatching eggs, or physically transferred from hands, clothing, and shoes from feed stores, pultry swaps, etc. Many flocks in backyards are carriers. You can get some testing done if your vet can do it, or it you can locate a poultry lab to do it. This commercial lab does the PCR tset for MG if you contact them, but I am not sure if you collect samples yourself or get you vet to do it:

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