
In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 20, 2012
Back in June one of my Rhode Island Red hens got sick. And was better in two days. And was just fine afterwords. Running around and she started laying eggs and she was a healthy lively bird. She is now somewhere around 24 weeks old and is sick again. We think she had an impacted crop last time. This morning her crop was huge and she was so lethargic. So we brought her in and put her in the clothes basket and tried to get her to drink and messaged her crop. Her crop went down to almost normal. Unlike last time she wont eat or drink on her own. We are having to use a syringe and giving her apple sauce and power aid. All she wants to do is sleep. She wont stand up she just plops down. She laid a really thin shelled egg this morning and didn't even move out of it. She just laid in it. She will wake up now and talk to me when I come in. So she's improved a little bit. I'm so afraid we are really going to loose her this time though. Has anyone scene this?! Know how to help?
Izzy passed away about an hour ago. Hardest thing ive ever had to watch. She was so sweet and we love her so much. She will be missed very bad.
Sometimes these things just happen. Sometimes there isn't a cause (though I wouldn't know if there was or wasn't, I don't have very much experience with poultry). I'll be sending you warm thoughts and prayers in your time of hardship. RIP little hen.

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