Sick baby chick


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2023
My baby silver laced wyandotte is sick and i need some advice! i have removed her from the other chicks and have given her sugar water every ten min. or so. I just need some more advice to see if i can save her life!
i’m not sure what’s wrong with it.
symptoms include: pale comb, lethargic, inactivity, loss of appetite
she is 1 week old
Purchased at IFA
not eating not drinking only has pooped once (i have to help her eat/drink)
not active. also separated from the others
Do you have Nutri Drench or Poultry Cell, put a drop on its beak not in its mouth cause it may aspirate. Try see if you can get it to eat a boiled egg yolk, mash it up with some water, making it pasty and offer it. It's possible that it's one of those "failure to survive" chicks, looks very weak and may not survive but we still try :hugs
yes she is very weak. she is at the point where she can’t stand up anymore. I will keep trying but i’m mostly thinking she is not going to make it through the night. i don’t have poultry cell or nutri drench. i can try the egg thing

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