sick bantom chickens


5 Years
Oct 6, 2014
I am a new chicken person and have a lot of bantoms, hatched this spring. They are too young to lay eggs. A couple of weeks ago, I noticed one just sitting, with eyes closed and comb very pale. Not eating much. Later she died. Now I have several more, acting the same. They are making a gurgling sound and seem to have breathing trouble, much like a person with pneumonia. They will hold their tail feathers either to the side or downwards. We have wormed them every 30 days, they have plenty food, clean water and oyster crumbles. They live in an enclosed pen with sandy/gravel bottom. Their breast will become very thin feeling when they first get sick. I live in a rural area with very limited professional knowledge available regarding chickens. I also had a small peahen die yesterday that was in the pen next to the chickens. She held her head down, stopped eating, then died. Any clue on the cause or the treatment...
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Oh, I am so sorry about your birds. I agree with Peep Chicken. Sounds like they have some sort of respiratory ailment. You might try some Sulfadimethoxine in their water for 5 to 7 days. You can get this on line, but don't wait to long to order it.

And definitely post this in our emergency section for more help. Peep Chicken has left you with the link.

I hope you can get your flock back to good health soon.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

I'm sorry to hear about your chickens! You've received some good advice above.
Glad you joined us!

I'm sorry about your sick chickens!
I would definitely post about them in the Emergencies section of the forums.

Good luck!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your chickens, hope you are able to figure out what is going on.
Unless they were crawling with worms, worming every 30 days sounds excessive. Maybe that was way too much for them. Bantams should get a smaller dose than large fowl. I hope the people on the E/R thread can pinpoint a diagnosis - their symptoms are common for many health problems.

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