At first we did and I think that’s how it started, but it’s been nearly a month.
We currently have her in a brooder box with shavings. Our air conditioning took a dive today so it’s a bit warm in the house but otherwise the environment is normal. Plus when she relapsed the first time she wa outside in the coop. Is there any chance this could be a fungal infection and that’s why antibiotics aren’t working?
It could be fungal or viral, yes, and then antibiotics wouldn't touch it. Although, I wouldn't give her antibiotics unless you're absolutely certain that she's got a bacterial infection. Antibiotics weaken the immune system, they kill both good and bad bacteria, and using them builds up resistance to using them in the future. 😳 These little details the vet/doctor doesn't tell us! 🤦🏻‍♀️
It's ok, finish the prescribed course of antibiotics and then give her some yogurt. ♥️🙏🤞
Update: She has finished her medication and had once again regressed. She doesn't seem to have touched her water all day and I offered her a hard boiled egg, which she didn't really want. She just clicked her beak and turned away. Does anyone have any advice? I don't know what else I can do without any answers. She hasn't laid, her droppings still look normal and she's gone through two rounds of antibiotics so any kind of bacterial infection is probably out. She isn't lethargic per se, she's just uninterested.
What antibiotic did you use and how much were you giving her each day and for how many days did you give it?

Not all antibiotics are equal.
If she hasn't been laying it's possible she has a nasty infection in her reproductive tract and sometimes antibiotics cannot cure those.
It sounds like a bacterial infection. A fungal infection is usually respiratory.

Some infections require the right antibiotic, and sometimes you need to try a few before getting it right.

i suggest you try amoxicillin. Ask your vet to prescribe it and pick it up at Walmart. Chicken dose is 250mg per day for ten days. (In your state, a vet is required for anitbiotics)

In addition, pick up B-100 complex at Walmart and give her one right in the beak each day along with the amoxicillin.

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