sick chick, just 3 days old please help


5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
My boyfriend just bought half a dozen chicks. Unfortunately, one of them seems to be sick. She's really lethargic. She sleeps a ton and doesn't run around with the others. She's 3 or 4 days old; we got them just yesterday, i haven't seen her poop at all, and she eats and drinks very little. I've only heard her chirp like twice and it was very weak. Shes got a little bit of a cough, with some occasional wheezing. Im very concerned, can anyone help?:( I want her to be ok!
So sorry about your chick
Do thy have fresh feed and water ? Have you checked for pasty butt?
Hold her up to your ear to hear her breathing, any wheeze or bubbling while trying to breath is something respiratory. Can you hear a clicking? (Means heart problem) Check the nostrils for being plugged, the eyes for bubbling, in mouth top of beak inside is a "v" see if that is clear of mucus. I would seperate her in a small box in the brooder with a soft stuff toy as a buddy.

A chick can get water in respiratory tract by accidentally dunking itself, or falling in waterer. This can lead to respiratory problems if it can't expel the water.

You could try the antibiotic (Tylan powder) in the water to dose all of them as it could spread to all of them. Savachick, or Poultry nutridrench can be given in water or into beak by dropper to get them energy or just sugar water. You can add water to feed and fed her by dropper to make her eat, same with water. Be careful not to have them inhale water. Place it on side of beak to get them to take it.

Good luck! :welcome
Her little booty is all clear.. And I don't hear anything when I hold her to my ear. She's very weak though :( I'm going to have my boyfriend check for mucus when he gets home (he's got better eyesight) and see about him getting some tylan. Thank u both; I appreciate the help so much!
She started gasping so I scooped her up and held he body to my ear and i heard the clicking... What should we do, then? O: @Sarevan @mebuff daisy
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I should have said, when I heard clicking in my chick it ended up being a heart problem. She failed to thrive and I lost her.

Have you checked the temp in brooder, are they spread out using all the areas not huddling up under the lamp? Check for a draft that may be hitting them. If huddling lower the lamp and check after a bit to see if they are warmer using the entire area. Have a coooler area so if they are too warm they can move away.

Hope she makes it.
Unfortunately, the sweet little creature passed away the night of my last post :( poor baby. I cried my eyes out :/ thanks for the input though.

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