Sick Chick! Please help!

The food is labeled for chicks and the space is about 3x5 feet
The other chicks keep walking on top of her cuz she’s weak right now
Did you watch the video?
No, I didn't see a video.
This would be a good reason to remove her, sorry.

She needs to be warm....NOT TOO HOT...about 85 degrees. Can you make sure she isn't too hot or too cold?

Nutri-Drench is really really good to keep on hand for chicks that start acting off like this.
Chick video linkAnd she is less tired but she does this throat thing and doesn’t chirp as much and I’m really worried i am going to put a link to a video cuz she keeps reaching with her beak
I see this video.
Chicks do this when they either have something stuck in their throat or they are having trouble breathing because they got fluid in the lungs/down the wrong pipe.

Do not mess with her crop and if you have to pick her up be sure you don't push on the crop at all.

Unfortunately there isn't much you can do but wait and see if she recovers or not.

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