Sick Chicken, I have no idea what to do!


11 Years
May 15, 2008
From all reports, she was fine yesterday. And last night when she was brought into her coop. But this morning as we went to let them out, she was laying half on her side on the floor. No injuries that I can see. She keeps her eyes mostly closed. Her comb is starting to limp over and she drips fluid out of her beak. she doesn't even try to move anywhere. Her breathing is slow and steady. No sores or leasions. I don't know what to do or where to take her. Please, any advice! Oh she is over six months old and although I am sure it is her buddy laying eggs this last few weeks, she has not. I have had them for about 6 weeks and both of them have seemed healthy and well, this whole time. All other chickens are fine and have no symtoms.
How old is she? She could be an internal layer or just any number of things. Fluid dripping from the beak sounds bad and not like eggbound or a laying issue of any sort, but it's hard to say. She should be separated from the others entirely or do you just have the two of them?
I have 18, this is the only one that is sick. I doubt it is egg bound.
No nothing in her nostrils. No funny sounds when breathing. Just a constant driping from her mouth. Doesn't drink or eat.
call your vet and ask to speak with a doctor. They get lots of business from your other pets most likely and they don't mind giving out helpful advice now and again...

If your vet doesn't know, call other vets. Most will say bring her in, but some will give you advice.

maybe even try the feed store... a lot of poultry experts dying to show off their stuff-

**GOOGLE IT** always works for me
I'm sure I don't know, as I'm new to this, but is it possible she's got a crop issue and can't get anything down?

Someone with more knowledge help?
She has died.

I did call around to vets. One that "might" know something was suppose to call me. My only concern is if it is something the other chickens might get or even my children.
I have been googling like crazy, still having found something that matches. I'll look into the crop thing.

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