Sick chicken possibly from sevin dust?

Hennifer Lopez

6 Years
Mar 11, 2013
This is my first post and unfortunately i have not had time to introduce myself. I have two chickens that i have had for about three months. One of them, Hevy, developed chicken lice and i dusted both of them with sevin dust then redusted later as recommended on this site.

My chicken Buttons had been exhibiting what i thought was broody behavior because she wouldnt come out of the nest box and was sitting on eggs. She came out and we took out the eggs and she stayed out for a day but then went back to sitting in the nest box. Well we were gong back and forth with this for several days( sitting on eggs, us removing them, her staying out for a time then going back to sitting) but since the last dusting of sevin ( about 4 days ago) it seems she is just sitting in the box whether there are eggs or not and hardly coming out to eat or drink. I checked on her this morning and she does NOT seem normal . She is lying down flat in the box against the floor. I have no idea what to do or what is wrong with her and all the vets in town that work with hens are closed for the holiday.

Could she be experiencing poisoning from the sevin? Could she have become weak from sitting on the eggs and not eating or drinking enough? What can i do to help her? I am not a chicken expert and everyone says what simple pets chickens are to keep but they have been the hardest pets i have ever had. I don't want to just leave the poor little girl to suffer but she is not tame really and i don't want to scare her half to death handling her when she is ill but I cant observe her well with her hiding in the nest box.

Sorry if this is a little scattered. I just lost my dog of 14 years on Tuesday and i am having a hard time processing that another pet is ill. I am just really confused as to what i should be doing for her =( Any suggestions would be most appreciated
Poor thing. I would think it's broodiness moreso than Sevin. I think she needs some water and food. Now. Put her on your lap and dip her beak in a spoon of water, . You can make her feed mush and offer it in a spoon. I don't know if you have access to a feeding tube. Attempt this every hour. And put her in an area with food and water in reach.

I don't know what people use for feeding tubes. If it's hot out, take her inside. Broodies can be really dumb. What does her stool look like?

Whatever, get some water in her but don't pour it down her throat.
Thank you so much. She was apparently just dehydrated and hungry like you said. after some water she hopped up and ate and was fine. Then i proceded to break my toe ( what a week i am having!!!) and forgot to post back to thank you for your advice =)
DE, I have read , is great as a preventative, but doesn't really control an already established infestation. I would put some DE in there when the bugs are under control.

If you think it's Sevin, there's also poultry dust, which is a different ingredient all together.

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