sick chicken


5 Years
Oct 17, 2014
this evening I found one of my Ameraucana's lying on the floor of the coop. I picked her up alive but too weak to stand more than a few seconds, I noticed mites on her so we dusted her and placed her in the hospital pen with hay to lay on and food and water within reach. I will check on her in the morning, she will either be better I hope or gone I leave that up to bigger than me to know. Hoping for the best. Any ideas? Oh I dipped her beak in the water and she drank a good bit.
Check her crop, is it full? empty?

Also, will she eat? If not, when mine have been ill I get some babyfood sweet potato, for some reason, when they won't eat much else, they will eat that.
i tried no go with food will try baby food in the morning don't have any tonight and all stores close now. she will drink a little.
Make sure if you buy it, it is the sweet potato, my chickens like that one like crazy, don't care for the others. you can get electrolytes at tractor supply company, or the feed store, fleet farm as well. you just mix it with a gallon of water.

If her crop feels like a water balloon in the morning, it is likely sour crop. If it is full and hard in the morning, it is likely impacted crop. if it is empty, it is something else.
Feel her chest, right hand side. go feel your other chickens right now, you'll feel a hard ball, sometimes the size of a golf ball, but mine can be really big, like a handball. At night it should be full like that. that is normal.

In the morning, it should be empty
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