Sick Chicken


Jun 29, 2015
NewBrunswick Canada
I have 1 chicken that looks very sick.She is a year old. This morning she will not eat or drink and does not move much. Her face is very pale and her comb is almost white. Does anyone have any Info on this. Thanks
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Cloud you please give a little more info???
Such as:
When was the last time she ate/drank?
Has she pooped lately?if so,how long ago?
Is she still laying??
What are you feeding her?
How long ago was it that she ate/drank?
gene22222222 wrote - Today at 7:37 am

Hi Kim . She was ok yesterday and layed. This morning her feathers seemed kind of wet and did not move much. She is moving around a little more. I feed then lay Pellets and cracked corn and treats . Yesterday i gave them kale and a coleslaw mix. But have been giving them that for a long time as a treat also every morning I give them oatmeal. Thanks for your concern
[COLOR=005CB1]gene22222222 wrote - Today at 7:37 am[/COLOR]

Hi Kim . She was ok yesterday and layed. This morning her feathers seemed kind of wet and did not move much. She is moving around a little more. I feed then lay Pellets and cracked corn and treats . Yesterday i gave them kale and a coleslaw mix. But have been giving them that for a long time as a treat also every morning I give them oatmeal. Thanks for your concern
I'm so sorry,I'm at a loss! @TwoCrows we need you!
Just worried that whatever she has will affect my other 19 chickens. I also noticed a lot of blood in her poop. And looks like she has lost a lot because her skin is so pale white. Does anyone know what it could be?
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Can you give a bit more information?
You are seeing a lot of blood in her poop?
How long have you had her, is she new to your flock or property?
Do you see any blood coming from her vent?

A picture of the poo would be good.

You may want to separate her so you can monitor her water/food intake. Check her over for any lice/mites.

If she has a lot of blood in her poop, you may want to start her on some Corid just in case it's Cocci (the Corid is mild and won't hurt even if it's not Cocci). Also check her for egg binding, gently feel inside her vent about an inch to see if you feel and egg. Has she been wormed lately?

Corid dosage for Cocci is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder per gallon or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon
Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period. Mix a fresh batch at least once a day.
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