Sick chicken


In the Brooder
Jul 13, 2015
i have a 5 yr old buff, I thought she was egg bound but upon inserting my finger in her vent I don't feel an egg. She is lethargic, weak, has a dirty butt (which I soaked and cleaned) sits like a penguin, tail drooped. The oddest behavior is this motion she does with her neck, sort of like an "s" wiggle. This has been at least a week, so if she was egg bound I would think she would have passed by now. Any help would be appreciated.
At her age especially if she is not laying regularly, it could be a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, ascites (fluid in the belly,) that older hens may have. Her head movements could indicate that her crop is not emptying properly. That may be related to her other problem, or it could be something separate. Can you feel her crop early tomorrow before she has eaten or drunk anything? I would try giving her some Poultry NutriDrench, and offering plenty of water. If her crop is empty by morning, then offer some chopped egg and her usual feed.
At her age especially if she is not laying regularly, it could be a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, ascites (fluid in the belly,) that older hens may have. Her head movements could indicate that her crop is not emptying properly. That may be related to her other problem, or it could be something separate. Can you feel her crop early tomorrow before she has eaten or drunk anything? I would try giving her some Poultry NutriDrench, and offering plenty of water. If her crop is empty by morning, then offer some chopped egg and her usual feed.
I agree the neck wiggle is indicative of a crop issue. How is her poop besides soiling her back end? Is it runny? Is her abdomen (fluffy butt) bloated with fluid? Does she have access to grit?
Her crop is empty and she does have access to grit. My best guess at this point is something is blocking her - she hasn't had a normal poop, although her vent is clear the feathers around it are heavily soiled. She really can't walk.
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At her age especially if she is not laying regularly, it could be a reproductive disorder, such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, ascites (fluid in the belly,) that older hens may have. Her head movements could indicate that her crop is not emptying properly. That may be related to her other problem, or it could be something separate. Can you feel her crop early tomorrow before she has eaten or drunk anything? I would try giving her some Poultry NutriDrench, and offering plenty of water. If her crop is empty by morning, then offer some chopped egg and her usual feed.
Her crop is empty, she just lays there, can barely walk. Will she recover?
Morning, No one here will /should advise you to cull your hen. 5 isnt really that old as far as how long they can live . But quality of life is where its at. Do you have a vet ? Has she been wormed ? Did you check her crop for worms ? Vitamin deficient ? There are still a few roads you havent traveled to see if she is fixable but if she is suffering thats totally up to you :hugs

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