Weak chicken

Xray Lynn

7 Years
Oct 31, 2016
I had one 5 yr old chicken that got puny and weak. I wormed her, checked for mites, checked for a bound egg, gave her “poultry cell”, put garlic and ACV in her water, nothing seemed to help. She eventually died. Now I have another one weak acting🤷🏼‍♀️
Normal diet is Tucker milling layer pellets 16.5 %protein
Handful of sunflower seeds divided.
I worm them with Molly’s Herbals.
Weak and lethargic and slowly stops eating. She doesn’t seem to be able to stand up. Tail down
Dot has been not acting right for about a week. When I feed them all bread crumbs she acts like she is starving when she takes it out of my hand. She is a Gold Comet. She has lost some weight prolly, but not skin and bones yet. I gave her some poultry cell tonight to boost her. She is in a dog grate by herself now with grass and shavings in a box to roost in. The others 9 chickens seem fine. Oh yeah runny yellowish poop

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