Sick chicken?


Feb 21, 2022
Hi everyone. Maybe someone can help me with my chicken.
My chicken a week or so ago had a really dirty bum with poop stuck all over, i cleaned her and kept her indoors for 2 days. I also gave her antibioticsjust in case for 4 days. Before the dirty bum she was all hunched over as if she couldn't lay and egg and white yellow stuff around her vent and bum feathers(10days ago). But when I came back to check on her she was walking normally again. Then the dirty bum crisis happened.
She's back with the flock, but is all puffed up and not veryactive. What may be the problem. Her bum is clean.


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She might be egg bound or laying shell less egg. Give her half a calcium tablet each day. It should improve her condition.

If she's molting don't give her the tablet. It could be another issue.

When you get a chance give her a physical examination. Check for anomalies.
Hi everyone. Maybe someone can help me with my chicken.
My chicken a week or so ago had a really dirty bum with poop stuck all over, i cleaned her and kept her indoors for 2 days. I also gave her antibioticsjust in case for 4 days. Before the dirty bum she was all hunched over as if she couldn't lay and egg and white yellow stuff around her vent and bum feathers(10days ago). But when I came back to check on her she was walking normally again. Then the dirty bum crisis happened.
She's back with the flock, but is all puffed up and not veryactive. What may be the problem. Her bum is clean.
You don’t want to give antibiotics “just in case”. This is a very bad practice. And can often make things worse of that is not the treatment needed.

Wha does her droppings look like? Is she eating and drinking? Is her crop emptying at night normally?
What antibiotic are you using? Since you started it, I would probably go ahead and finish the rest of the course of antibiotics. Can you insert a finger into her vent to feel for an egg or other obstruction? Is she passing droppings okay now, and have there been any more of the yellow or white material? Can you post a picture of her usual droppings? Make sure to check her crop early am before she wats or drinks, to make sure it is emptying overnight. Is she eating or drinking? How long since she has laid eggs normally? Have you seen any shell-less or broken eggs?
Unfortunately my chicken isn't doing well. She's very light feeling. Meaning she's probably not absorbing nutrition:( she does seem to have an appetite. Her dropping are normal looking. Meaning there is dark and white and chciken poop looking.
But I guess since she's so weak and ill, the other chickens trampled on her this morning and her leg came out of place. I had our country chicken guru look at her... he said she's ill and to weak to survive and will die on her anyway sometime very soon. We had to put her down :((((((
I'm sorry for your loss :hugsis it possible for you to send her body to some kind of lab to determine what was wrong with her?
Not really.. I don't live in the states. I'm located in Belarus. People don't do this Here :/
I'm already considerd a weird chicken lady. Like I "care" to much about chickens. Usually if there are any problems with chickens etc people kill them. I try to help them.... with the wonderful help of this forum:)
Sorry for your loss. It is always good to separate a weak or sick chicken from the others, because it is natural and common for them to want to attack a sick or dying chicken.
Not really.. I don't live in the states. I'm located in Belarus. People don't do this Here :/
I'm already considerd a weird chicken lady. Like I "care" to much about chickens. Usually if there are any problems with chickens etc people kill them. I try to help them.... with the wonderful help of this forum:)
I understand.You're a good person and your chickens are lucky to have you :)
Sorry for your loss. It is always good to separate a weak or sick chicken from the others, because it is natural and common for them to want to attack a sick or dying chicken.
I honestly didn't think or see that she was so sick or weak. :(((

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