Sick Chicken?

We have been heating the blanket in the dryer, I have a heater in the room with her to keep it warmer, and I have the water mixture tat you said and she has just been drinking it constantly. Should I still be putting the water into her crop with the syringe?
If she is drinking well, you do not need to syringe fluids. She has probably rewarmed to normal body temp by now. Watch her comb and wattles.If they turn bright cherry red instead of the normal dusky red, then she's becoming too warm.
I would soak some pellet feed in a little water to make a mash and see if she wants that. What's her poop like? If she was laying soft shelled eggs before she needs a calcium supplement (calcium citrate or tums) both for shell development and to help lay any more soft eggs. If she feels like she needs to lay another egg she may not want to eat.
Is she too weak to eat? If so you may need to tube feed once or twice to get enough food into her to give her strength to eat. You can call your vet and ask them to sell you a tubing kit. It shouldn't cost but a few dollars. I will instruct you how to do it.
Thank you for all of your help. She is feeling better. Unfortunately, she can’t walk, let alone stand on her own, she makes noise, she’s pooping, she’s eating and drinking regularly and her crop doesn’t feel empty anymore. I don’t know what’s wrong and what to do to help. I brought her up to see the other chickens a little while ago, to see if maybe she didn’t want to walk because she was lonely, but she couldn’t get up. She pecked around where she could reach and tried to move, but she just couldn’t.

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