Sick chicken!!


5 Years
Jun 24, 2014
Hey guys, I need some help figuring out what's wrong with my 20 week old RIR chicken. When I put the girls up for the evening she didn't come back to the coop. I found her in the barn laying in a corner. She had runny yellow poop beside her and was very lethargic. She keeps her eyes closed. She can stand and open her eyes but she only did either when I moved her to a small pen. My first hens, not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
If they haven't been on the property for long, then I would treat her for coccidosis with Corid (amprollium.) Symptoms are lethargy, not eating, standing puffed up sleepy, diarrhea with or without blood, and ruffled feathers. Before doing anything else, I would make sure that she is not egg bound by checking 1-2 inches inside her vent with a rubber glove on to feel for an egg stuck. ONLY IF YOU FEEL AN EGG, then place her bottom in warm water and massage her abdomen toward the vent to relax her muscles to pass the egg. Don't attempt if no egg is there because it may stress her too much. also give some calcium orally (tums, calcium tablet, oystershell.) Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid (1 1/2 tsp of the powder) per gallon of water for 5-7 days.
Thanks you for the info! We've had the chickens since they were a couple of weeks old. They haven't started laying yet but I'll check to see if maybe her first is stuck.

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