Sick Chickens

Luck 56

Feb 6, 2021
I had 4 hens. One died 2 weeks ago would not eat and quit laying eggs she was laying 6 eggs a week Sophia was a Barred Rock 8 months old. She quit coming out of the chicken coup and lost strength. wWould not eat or drink. We tried hand feeding her did not help. Now another one Goosie an Easter Egger is having the same problem she is to far gone to save. We hand feed her feed her food with Poultry Grit with ProBiotics. We bathed her in warm water got a little better. Now she can not even stand. We have another hen named Tina which is a Road Island Red Easter egger. She has stopped laying eggs and does not seem to have a good appetite or eager to walk around. Pooh is white liquidly.
Some one please help.

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