sick chickens


6 Years
May 5, 2013
I have some jersey giants, they are about 6 weeks old. they have started having droopy heads, hanging to their bodies. heads tilted a little to the side. they walk in circles and backwards, can't seem to lift their heads. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
Sounds exactly like Encephalomalacia aka Crazy Chick disease. Symptoms for this can show up as late as 8 weeks of age. Chickens attempt to walk and fall forward or backwards. Some walk in circles. The head hangs down or back over the body. Sometimes it will twist from side to side. Sometimes there are tremors in the legs.

Bad feed can cause this including a vitamin E deficient feed. Change to a high quality starter/grower feed. Too much cod liver oil can cause this problem as well. Use a vitamin dispersible powder in the water that contains vitamins A,D, & E. I use Avian Super Pack which is 1/2 tsp. per gallon.

If you think the chicks are going to need assistance drinking, just get some Poultry Nutri-Drench (most feed stores and Tractor Supply places carry it) and follow directions on the label. The eye dropper cap that comes with it is messy and not worth a dam. A 1cc syringe will enable you to give them an oral dose easier (only a drop).

If you act fast, and there's no damage to the bird's brain, this will take care of the problem.

Never store feed for over 4 weeks.
Buy feed from stores with rapid turnover.
Keep feed stored in lidded containers (I use steel garbage cans) in a cool, dry place.
Never feed rancid fats.
Keep cod liver oil under 3% of the feed.
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