sick chickie

I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time diagnosing your chicken. Many people like to throw all kinds of drugs out there, but I would rather know what I was treating. Many oldtimers treat their chickens with apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoonful in 1 gallon of water, and don't use a lot of expensive and dangerous medicines. Everyone has coccidia in their soil, but there are many varieties, so a chicken exposed to someone else's land may get it. It's up to you how to treat this chicken, but I think I would just isolate her, keep trying to get her to eat and drink, and watch her. She may pull through and become immune from whatever is wrong. It's hard to diagnose something over the internet, but you can do some more posting on here and reading that may help. Good luck.
yikes i don't even know what to do with ANY of that....
If you suspect blackhead, treat with metronidazole (fishzole,) one 250mg tablet given orally once a day for 5 days. On the 6th day worm your chickens with safeguard liquid goat wormer, dosage is 1/2cc orally undiluted. Repeat dosing again in 10 days.
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There is a thread on BYC called "Chickens for 10-20 years," commonly called the oldtimer's thread that contains a lot of good info if you don't mind reading through it. Another one called "The road less traveled...back to good health" is also very good for natural chicken keeping without tons of medications. They are closed, meaning you can't post on them, but are open for reading.
If you suspect blackhead, treat with metronidazole (fishzole,) one 250mg tablet given orally once a day for 5 days. On the 6th day worm your chickens with safeguard liquid goat wormer, dosage is 1/2cc orally undiluted. Repeat dosing again in 10 days.
According to the AAAP Disease Manual, the correct metronidazole dose is 30mg/kg by mouth for five days. 250mg is what I give my turkeys.
I should add that I've also been instructed by several avian vets to give 30mg/kg, but one that I talked to on the phone did say that the dose range was 30-60mg for treatment of histomoniasis. I've lost a few (necropsies confirmed histomoniasis) and saved many more treating at 30mg/kg.

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