Sick chicks I think.


Poodles, Chicken, Goats--OH MY!!
10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Northeast Louisiana
I got 4 chicks from eggbid and I think they might be sick. They are eating, drinking, active for the most part but some stay puffed up and close their eyes alot. What can I give to help them out???
Can you give us more info? How old are they? Are they in a brooder in your house or somewhere else?

Chicks naturally sleep a lot, but if they're puffed up, they may be cold.
They are about 5-6 weeks old and are outside in a cage with hay for the bedding. It is 90+ in the day and 70 at night. They are just as active as my other chicks that are about the same age. I have started them on sulmet in hopes of treating several things. My mom saw them today and she thought they looked a bit ill.
If they have been outside - i'm assuming they have access to the ground - for a couple of weeks now, then it may be coccidiosis. Sulmet is one treatment for cocci. I hope they are all well.

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