sick duck please help

Thanks everyone.I started the flush today and will try it for a few days. I bought some Oxytetracycline. Should I continue with the flush or just go ahead with the antibiotics? Also her vent looks good but now she has some seepage from her eyes. ..White bubbles. She is still so determined to try and do what she always does.I will be contacting the Clemson poultry extension tomorrow for additional advice. Thanks again. I will keep you all up-to-date on her progress.
I don't know which flush your using but you have to follow direction don't over due. I'm not sure about using the antibiotic along side but tell us which flush your using. first. From what I understand they can make them dehydrated so caution is best. I have seen white bubbles before and sprayed the eyes with Veterycin bubbles gone by next day. I'd contact Clemson first thing in the morning before starting the antibiotic. That way your only treating one thing at a time. Maybe Kathy will have more knowledge about using both at same time. I'm really not sure.
I gave her one dose of the Epson salt flush. Followed by plenty of fresh water. I will let you know what Clemson says but will probably do the flush at least one more day. Thanks again for your help.
I gave her one dose of the Epson salt flush. Followed by plenty of fresh water. I will let you know what Clemson says but will probably do the flush at least one more day. Thanks again for your help.
Hopefully if some kind of toxin you'll begin to notice improvement soon.
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone can help.

My 6 yr old Muscovy duck has had chest infections approx. twice a year for a few years (and that is the only medical problem she has ever had), and for the first couple years I would medicate her with Baytril each time. However a more recent episode (of slight panting) subsided itself, so I didn't medicate at the first sign of panting for the next couple of times and it would pass naturally.

She has recently has a small case of an infection and it hadn't worsened. I hadn't connected that to her current condition, but now I see there may be a connection.
Two days ago she approached my friend and I in my yard when normally she would just be doing her own thing, and she leaned to one side like she was hurting. I picked her up and she seemed fine, and after that she went about her normal business. I saw her do the same thing a couple more times, and each time she did a small runny dropping. I thought maybe she was having trouble passing them and was leaning (and tail down) to strain. Rang the vet and he said to keep an eye on her for now. Her droppings went back to normal and her eating/drinking/bathing/etc never changed so I didn't worry. But I thought what Id do is medicate her chest infection and take it from there.
I started the Baytril (0.4ml x2 daily as always) yesterday. But again I noticed the leaning (and stretching one wing right out) and tonight she was off balance a few times while walking. As it was the middle of the night I brought her inside, and she seemed content and fine while sitting but kept dropping droppings while sitting. So I thought Id take her out to her bed again.
She drank, ate, and rambled on with that happy twittering sound as she went back to bed.
When I saw her stumbling tonight I instantly thought neurological problem.
So can a bacterial chest infection cause the neurological symptoms, and is Baytril enough?

I will call the duty vet in the morning, but thought Id also ask here.

Thank you for any input.
I am wondering if she is egg bound.

Is she bobbing her tail up and down, holding the tail down more than usual? Can you take a look at her vent? Be careful handling her, if there is an egg inside, we don't want it to break.

I would get her into a tub of lukewarm water and let her float around for at least half an hour.
Hi, thanks guys!

Im sorry for the delay.
She is fine, she improved again the next day.

I wrote my last post in the middle of the night and I was really worried about her, so I kept researching. I watched a youtube of a duck with the same symptoms, and I read up on Baytril. It appears she had ataxia - most likely caused by the chest infection (which must be bacterial this time around) - and apparently Baytril was the thing to take for bacterial infections.
I had started her on it for the chesty symptoms but by this stage she had only had one dose.

I rang the duty vet the next day (it was a weekend). He agreed with my diagnosis and advised me to keep her on the Baytril and assess her by the next afternoon.

The next day she only had one or two stumbly moments and by the afternoon she was walking fine.

That Baytril is great stuff!!
Oh Amiga, thank you, I meant to say yes I had checked her vent after the first time she was leaning to one side and it was clean (duck relatively speaking ;) ) and clear.

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