Sick duck


In the Brooder
Sep 10, 2017
southern africa
One of our ducks has been sick for a while now(over a month). At first we thought it was Botulism. He seems to be over it now. His appetite is Ok. His comb is red. The only problem is that he is unable to walk. We have decided to focus on our chickens and not on duck so all of our ducks have become food. He is the only one left, so the question is whether or not we should eat him or just burry him.
Could be what you are feeding him... ducks that don't get enough niacin can have a hard time walking and even become deformed.

But IF I wasn't sure what caused a bird to become ill... no WAY would I feed them to my family... OR my other pets...

Sorry you face this. :(

Hope your chickens thrive! :fl

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