Sick duck

Should I try and give her the scratching feed that I always gave her( chicken feed)? I can still put the yeast in that, Right?
If it was my duck and she was refusing to eat I would try anything! I'm sorry she's not doing well. Is a vet an option?
If it was my duck and she was refusing to eat I would try anything! I'm sorry she's not doing well. Is a vet an option?
No I have no money coming in.. leaving with ex.. he can't really afford it and at the moment I got a sick cat to that Ian trying to get free help.. crazy. I only wish I had money got my animals to get the help they need. I thank God I found you guys to help with my duck at least. I really appreciate everybody's advice the give me
If it was my duck and she was refusing to eat I would try anything! I'm sorry she's not doing well. Is a vet an option?
No I have no money coming in.. leaving with ex.. he can't really afford it and at the moment I got a sick cat to that Ian trying to get free help.. crazy. I only wish I had money got my animals to get the help they need. I thank God I found you guys to help with my duck at least. I really appreciate everybody's advice the give me
I'm going to try that right now and see if she'll eat some of that scratching mess and she ate before
You're going to need to figure out a permanent solution to your duck/drake ratio going forward, so that she has friends and he has other partners to take the pressure off her. Alternatively, if you think she's suffering and not getting better with walking, you might want to consider putting her out of her misery and relocating him to a farm that has ducks. I know it's so hard to think about these things, but you want her to have a good quality of life and not be hanging on miserable. Did she eat any of the chicken scratch with the brewer's yeast and her treat with the vitamin B complex? I would also put her water in a bowl so she's able to dunk her whole beak in it. I'm sorry things are not getting better.
No she's not eating very much and anything I put that vitamin b on she don't eat it she will eat any pieces without it she might get one piece with it on there and then she don't want anymore... She'll eat cat food like crazy but not with that medicine on it... And we are planning on ordering female ducks just female ducks that way we make sure we get females..( if that's possible) I was thinking we should wait till after the 24th because we're going to be gone for two nights we're going to cedar point but maybe we should try to order them now I don't know how soon we'd get them .. I don't know a lot about it but I'm sure it's not that hard .... I just hate really the thought of putting her down...maybe we could try to get some more ducks in here and see if that helps her.. what do you think... I don't want to be cruel l to her but it seems crazy just to put her down because she can't walk...

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