Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

I hope things continue to improve today!
Things have took a turn for the worse here this morning.
My week olds are not doing well at all. They are sneezing their little heads off and I found one dead this morning.
So much for getting my hopes up. I'm headed out to check on the ones in the coop right now.
I'm so sorry about your poor chicks. I have some Tylan if you need it, (it's injectable though) and I have some Avia Charge I can give you if you think it will help. Or if you need anything else let me know.
Hang in there, I know it's frustrating, but you're doing everything you can.......
:hitThis is awful! Here you were trying to introduce new members to your flock. That was supposed to be a happy occassion. Now your birds are dying because infected birds. It doesn't seem right! I hope that your birds are able to recover and I'm sorry about the one that died!
Thank you everyone for your support. It means a lot to me to have friends who care.

Cyn: You have helped so much already and I thank you for that. I don't think there's much anyone can do at this point. I've tried to come to grips with reality and realize that what will be, will be. I just hope that it won't be to bad.

Kitty: Thank you for all the cyber hugs!

meriruka: Thank you for the Tylan offer. This IB however, has to just run its course. The antibiotics, no matter how strong they are, won't help because this is all viral. I truly appreciate your offer though!

kees: I guess this could have been a happier occasion, but I was the one who made the mistake of introducing these sick chicks to my flock. It all boils down to me not following the rules of quarantine and me being the one responsible for introducing this mess to the rest of my babies. That's been a hard pill to swallow, let me tell you! Especially when I know that the reason these little ones are dying is because of me not quarantining.
SpottedCrow: Thank you.

I didn't update on the chicks/chickens in the coop! I forgot! They all seem to be doing wonderful! Some of the 4 wk. olds are still sneezing, but I didn't notice anything out of the 10 or 15 wk. olds. Rhodey's lungs sounded clear and he is crowing strong so I know he is feeling much better and the RIR hens were very chattery (asking for the oatmeal no doubt)!

I was able to speak to a vet this afternoon about this mess and she told me that it sounds like I am correct in diagnosing this as IB and that it really is nothing to panic over. She said it is very common and once they get it they are immune to it, which is great news! I won't have to deal with this mess again with these chickens! I am going to order some vaccine for the ones that are due to hatch on the 21st to try and give them an immunity boost. The vet told me that the MA/CT strain is the most common strain of the IB and to vaccinate for that strain. Fingers crossed, that will be the strain that my babies all have now. My Oxine should arrive tomorrow so I can begin to start spraying everything down to get things disinfected. I know that will be an ongoing process until the carrier period is over, but at least I will feel like things are clean!

The week old chicks are still trying to fight to stay alive as of this afternoon. I have a feeling that I will be losing more of those babies before this is over. They are so sweet and I just hate this for them.

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