Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

New symptoms have popped up this evening and it doesn't look promising for my flock. I am going to call my local ext. office tomorrow and try to get some help. I think I'm going to have to have a necropsy done. If this turns out to be what I think it is, I'm going to have to be to cull my whole flock. Cross your fingers for me everyone that this won't be the case.
Definitely call your local extension office as soon as they open tomorrow. They will find out the source of this and will have the legal authority to shut down the breeder. I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of this. This is a real setback and tragedy that no one deserves. Unfortunately, you will lose my birds before this is over. Use straight bleach (with gloves) on every surface. Isolate your new birds when they hatch.
I am so sorry about your lose. We all are praying for you and your little ones. Me and my husband were thinking about buying from Traders Day. We won't now. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. God Bless:hugs
Keep us posted. The local extension will track down the source. How are your chickens doing today?
The ext. office has been called and I am waiting to hear back form the state vet. I am deeply concerned with an off odor coming from my 4 wk. olds brooder and one of my 4 wk. old Blue Orps. eye has been clouded/greyed over. For those of you who are wondering what I'm thinking now, I'm afraid that I might be dealing with Coryza or Marek's. I will keep you all posted as soon as I hear from the vet. Thank you all for your well wishes and concern.

Chickenchickenbulkbulk: I hate to scare you, but you just don't ever know what other peoples chickens or chicks have. I would stick to the hatcheries or hatching them yourself. If you truly want to get some from somebody else, make sure that you have somewhere away from your other chickens to quarantine the new ones for at least a month.

Kees: The wk. olds are just laying around in the brooder box sneezing their little heads off. They don't look good. The 4 wk. olds are sneezing but still spunky and are eating like a bunch of hogs! The 10 and 15 wk. olds seem just fine with no noticeable sneezing. Hopefully the state vet will call soon and I will know what needs to be done.
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This is awful!
Being a swap I guess you can't contact the seller to let them know. I am sure they would be horrified that they sold you sick birds.

All good thoughts to you!
Oh the seller knows and I wouldn't explain her reaction as anywhere near horrified. That's all I'm going to say about that right now.
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