Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

You did the right thing culling your roos. I know that was hard, and you are so very brave. I don't think I would have been able to that myself, and I bet my husband would have had a hard time with it, too. And he's a hunter, so he's used to that sort of thing.

I hope that your meds come today so you can get treatment started. It's been a long, hard road.

Jay, that's very interesting about the state vet coming to the swap and testing birds. Do you (or does anybody) know which diseases she tested for?
Thank you all so much for all of your well wishes! You've all been so wonderful.

Jay - My daughters chicks are doing okay. They are sneezing, but none of them have died yet, thank heavens! She doesn't know about the culling, but she has found a few of the chicks after they died and was heart broken. She has cried and cried.
She even offered me all of her money (a whole $2!) to just make the chicks better and for them to quit dying. She has broke my heart. The state vet was at the swap and did conduct a test, but it was only for the bird flu. I let them test my birds also. It would be a nice thing if they would conduct more than the bird flu test! They told me when they tested my birds that they always go to all the swaps and auctions and try to test all of the birds for the bird flu, but that's the only test they run.

I also appreciate your offer with the eggs. I won't be ready until next spring to hatch anymore. I know I will want more PR's for sure! I only have one left.
I wish I would have quarantined and that I could go back and change that. I did try with the bantam, but my little girl had different thoughts.
I'm hoping that my mistake will help someone else avoid this situation in the future. If what I have gone through saves someone else's flock, then this will all have been worth it.

lauralou It was not easy culling my cockerels.
My boys and I both cried, but I knew it was for the best. There comes a time when it is better to reason with reality, however hard reality is. My husband wouldn't have anything to do with it, so we did it while he was at work. When I first started this chicken thing, he made it plain and clear that he would never be the one to do the deed when it had to be done. He does not hunt and hates to kill anything, even ants!!! Flies,ticks, and poisonous snakes that threaten our children are the only things he will do away with!
Last Friday when I got the news from the state vet that I needed to cull my whole flock, he felt so bad for me that he did offer to help. Other than that one time, I am on my own! Thank heavens my boys will stand by their mom!
Good luck with your treatment and vaccine program. Please keep us updated on how it works out.
Im sorry that you are going thru this.

Thank you Chel. The Gallimycin and Coryza vaccine arrive today. I can't wait to start getting that Gallimycin down them, especially the two week olds. They are the ones that keep dying on me.
I'm hoping this will turn them around. I have one Buff Orp. that keeps bouncing back and forth between death and being okay so maybe these new meds will save it.
They others seem to be bouncing back with the prolonged treatment of the Terramycin, but the 2 wk. olds are really having a rough go of things. I'm also a little worried about giving the vaccine. After the first couple I'm sure it will be easy sailing, I'm just concerned about getting started! LOL! I will definitely keep everyone posted as to how they are all doing and responding.
Hey, Gumpsgirl - is it okay to begin another antibiotic regiment immediately after they've been on a different one? I've always wondered that, and you mentin they are on Terrymycin now? I was (perhaps wrongly?) under the impression you were supposed to wait 10 days before starting a different treatment?
I wasn't sure about that so I called Dr. Pierson to make sure I had understood correctly. He told me it would be just fine to start the Gallimycin treatment now. I even double checked by telling him that they've been on the Terramycin all the way up to today. He said to just switch the antibiotics out. So if the UPS man will ever get here, I can go ahead and get all of my babies started on this.

The little Buff Orp. I was hoping would pull through is not going to make it.
AWE! Maybe if the new antibiotic gets here soon enough, the little one will pull through? Crossed fingers! HOPE this does the trick!! That's good info. to know about it being okay to switch antibiotics mid-course, too! Thanks!
I just lost my buff baby.
It is getting old and more difficult to keep hiding this from my little girl. I think that the rest of the 2 wk. old are strong enough to pull through this now. They act really spunky and just like 2 wk. olds should, so fingers crossed, what's left will pull through now.

UPS finally showed up and everyone has been started on the Gallimycin. The treatment is 10 days and then I vaccinate. I will keep updating as things progress! I have high hopes that they will progress, not regress.
Wow - what an ordeal! You must be exhausted dealing with all of this. I have one sick roo with CRD and I've been worried sick...I don't know how I would take it if I lost one chicken, let alone several as you have. :aww
Your persistence will pay off.
I will be praying for your chicks to pull through and also for your health and spirit.

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