Sick dying chicks. **UPDATE 8-7 PICS pg. 19**

Thank you MissP! I think they are looking good. At least they are acting like normal chicks and chickens now!

Some might very well be carriers, but not all of them. After their antibiotics are finished this Sat. (7-26), I have to vaccinate them and wait 4 wks. to give a vaccination booster. "IF" after the second vaccination any of them show signs or symptoms of being ill, I will have to cull those ones. They will be the carriers. I also will have to keep a close eye on my flock for the next year and will have to cull anyone who shows signs of being ill, because those are the carriers. This won't officially be over until next summer. Dr. Brown told me that in a years time, all carriers should be eliminated from my flock and things should be back to normal. In the mean time, I will have to vaccinate any new chicks that I hatch.
Thank you MissP! I think they are looking good. At least they are acting like normal chicks and chickens now!

Some might very well be carriers, but not all of them. After their antibiotics are finished this Sat. (7-26), I have to vaccinate them and wait 4 wks. to give a vaccination booster. "IF" after the second vaccination any of them show signs or symptoms of being ill, I will have to cull those ones. They will be the carriers. I also will have to keep a close eye on my flock for the next year and will have to cull anyone who shows signs of being ill, because those are the carriers. This won't officially be over until next summer. Dr. Brown told me that in a years time, all carriers should be eliminated from my flock and things should be back to normal. In the mean time, I will have to vaccinate any new chicks that I hatch.

EXCELLENT information for everyone, Stacey. Glad you had the Doc's help.
Have been watching this thread! They all look great! Good luck after the second round and throughout the next year!!
I ended up with D'Uccles on a fluke and LOVE them. They are little escape artists though...

My daughters boyfriend calls them the bell-bottom chickens.
I'm really liking these also! Their personalities are fun and they are very friendly. They really do look like bell-bottom chickens!

Hey! This isn't over yet guys! Maybe I need to change it to, "Please pray I don't have to cull to many of my chickens".
I really am not excited to hunt down and have to take care of the carriers.

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